Quitting wow

Message recieved loud and clear, obviously not welcome here, thank you!

It isnā€™t that simple. He gets fleshed out in Before the Storm and it shows his flaws. He isnā€™t not cut out to be a king but he does it anyway.

No worries, fake alarmist.
Reported your OP btw :wink:

I would have expected no less from you

U forgot the crying about the human racial back then? Every day, all day. Horde doenst cry now, because of all their advantages. But wait, if something changes, horde will cry again, every day, all day.


Good luck in your gaming adventures, wherever they may take you :four_leaf_clover:


I certainly remember how they cried, well said tpaartas.

Bye, no ones gonna miss you

Yeah i know that, hope this happens to you whenever you announce your departure.

I take wow breaks all the time. Sometimes I enjoy it sometimes I donā€™t but I always come back.

But never once have I b itched about it on the forums to people who couldnā€™t care less. Least of all blizzard.

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Well i am not one to take it sitting down, if i am leaving i will let blizzard know the reasons whyā€¦ what is so wrong with that? if you want to leave like a thief in the night scared of blizzard so be it but not me.

Cuteā€¦ you actually think they even notice you haha.

Well speaking about it makes it far likely they will seeā€¦ do you disagree?

:rofl: wow you sure told themā€¦

its been 4 hours and nobody seems to care youre leaving and clearly youre not here to have any real discussion about the stuff youre whining about soā€¦ why are you really here? and be honest

attention is that what youre craving? or just general trolling?


I have read and appreciate the threads speaking about my arguments seriously, all 2 of them. Hard to sit down and be constructive when i have had this level of bombardment. I didnt really expect anyone to care actually and like i said just wanted my points on record.

yeah but in all seriousness what did you expect? there are ā€œim quittingā€ threads every week or soā€¦

its not leaving ā€œlike a thief in the nightā€ if you just quit and move on, telling Blizzard why in such an absurd manner isnā€™t going to do anything, especially when alot of it just subjective

people quit everyday, its not a big deal

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People are quitting every day, and a lot of them are faction switching to the horde. Where does that leave people like me? and what do you mean by absurd? Yeah my english isnt the best but it is not my first language. I communicated my upset as best I can. If everyone quit without letting blizzard know surely that would be to the detriment of the game. Anyway bye! gl hf.

things like your juvenile description of anduin, the alt right stuff, horde bias, people emoting at you(which happens to everyone so what?!)

that stuff isnt going to make Blizzard take you seriously

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well we will have to agree to disagree because i do standby those annoyances.

As I stated in the NA thread, the alliance needs high elfs to balance the scale.
Even now, I see few bloodelfs trying to RP in Goldshire, AD server. Itā€™s sad!, blizz doesnā€™t care about these pressing issues nor they care to read the GD EU forums.

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