Quitting wow

Best cities ? If anything horde has abysmally bad is almost all their hubs that are just notoriously … bad. Orgrimmar, their capitol is just awful bundle of huts behind a giant fence, and from there on only good city they had was Undercity and even that they no longer have.

Sylvanas is just horribly written character that even half Horde dislikes…


Bloodelf ,nightborne and Zanadalari have great cities.

On the NA thread, ppl do agree with your statement. It’s just that EU has less alliance supporters because of BFA ( less pop) or they are horde now.
While, on NA. Many are still playing wow compared to EU.

I would argue about blood elf and Zandalari. I give you that Nightborne was very neat. But that troll tower is good only on picture. For me it is still nightmare to navigate. And between you and I, I have never liked blood elf town too much. It was too bright for my tastes. It had neat models and aesthetics, but it was so off the general play that I rarely ever visited after L20


By spelling correctly.

what do you mean, what did i spell incorrectly?

Good on you for making a fool out of yourself in public lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yeah cant argue with that to be honest but i dont regret sharing my reasons.

Not really that much different on horde, but ok

Turn off warmode, clearly that 25% bonus aint worth it then + its by immature children so uh …

I despise horde because i hate all their cities, areas ect, theres so few nice ones compared to ally for my taste

Your karma must be peak

I beg to differ, seems to be more on horde for me, but i only have 1 max level on horde & play mainly ally so what do i know

You must have since it didn’t work.

I like it because i prefer the whole city theme for mmo’s, horde’s pyramid thing is just depressing

Why is the horde red?

Because its the same color as the blood scattered all over the floor when im done with you!

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When i copy the link, it does not link me to the correct location.

You have to copy link and then use blockquote on them. Some links can be posted from Trust level 2 and free for all links can be posted directly with trust level 3.

Takes 3 months good behaviour on forums to get that last.

you have to place the dot before dot com yourself it would not let me submit the link otherwise, try that

Ah did not notice it missing :

I’m starting to think that all players who say “Horde has best cities” “Horde has best races” “Horde has best bla bla” just prefer Horde but don’t want to cause of their friends or guildies.

yep there it is, that is what we call home this expansion. Meanwhile horde are in a pyramid made of gold surrounded by empowering loa buffs or whatever it is they get

Isn’t funny that when you open EU forums all the topics you find are ‘Allyisdead’, ‘I quit because Ally is dead’, etc (basically all the topics most of us (I assume) had read at some point).
Back to the OP:

Simple, make friends or join a community on discord, several links have been shared.

That happens either if you’re Horde or Ally, personally I’ve a really long ignore list on my Horde character.

In my opinion Ally has the best cities in WoW. Yes Silvermoon is nice but it has been destroyed since forever (?), Orgrimmar is awful.
The SW Harbor looks amazing and Boralus is pretty convenient.

Lore is a problem for Horde and for Ally.