Quitting wow

I do not want to be Horde, they still have better allied races. :slight_smile: I have most my friends play Horde, so this theory wouldnā€™t apply on me. People just have different opinions. Thereā€™s no deep psychological back drop behind those preferences.

If someone is that fed up with the game they are posting about it on the forums then I think the best thing is to wish them well. They are going to go whether I agree with their points or not.

So why not make it a pleasant farewell :slight_smile:

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I personally like Boralus a lot more, it is very simple to navigate, has very cool vibe and is very atmospheric. For example I would take Boralus over Horde tower any time. Horde tower that needed LOA buffs because without flying there was need for shortcuts.

Youā€™re always nice though, are you a cyborg? :thinking:

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True. I, too, enjoyed running up and down the pyramid in zuldazar instead of having everything close together like in boralus

Sure, i donā€™t think many would mind

Yes, letā€™s destroy the main horde hub because that is equivalent to a city people at max level barely if ever visit

Eh, more like the opposite. In my time in this game iā€™ve heard a ton of racial slurs of the worst sort from human players, especially paladins.

Not since patch 8.2.5.

Posts like yours have turned the alliance into a meme long before

True, After taking the spotlight for almost all of Legion the next expansion too needs to have alliance in the spotlight.

Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t get to play out your power fantasies.
Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out.

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Thatā€™s not what I said.
When I started playing the game I loved the Night Elves but I hated the Alliance and I didnā€™t complained on foruns because I loved Night Elves and their capital. I played one and saw ā€œhmm alliance is not that badā€, and then I started to be both-faction instead.

Even If I would prefer Alliance cities (that I do not, I like both tbh), never would complain on foruns because of that.
I think most of people prefer things that Alliance/Horde has but they do not want to play that faction so their fury is all on foruns instead of trying a bit the other faction.

Remember, this is only my opinion for what I see here on the forunsā€¦

Also sorry for bad english.

Boralus is much nicer, If our original poster wants to do m+ he should join ā€œscared of dungeons EUā€ where peeps are doing high keys all the time with very good humour


Hes worried about getting suspended from the forums.
I donā€™t think hes going anywhere.

Actually i did not wish to offend poc for the sake of proving something everyone already know. nice attitude though friend.

I genuinely donā€™t think anyone believes that and that includes you.

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now you know what drives and motivates me nice, not projection at all.

well you are either the most sensitive of the far left, or you are a troll.
Iā€™m leaning towards troll because I have never met a real SJW of this calibre before.
A caricature of a crazed liberal canā€™t be legit. It just canā€™t.

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Obvious where your bias resides, i am seriously wasting my time here. I have said all i need to say at this point.

you didnā€™t say goodbye that time XD

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Not my fault you keep calling me back with this stuff.

I love when I see soft alliance players hilarious :smile:

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My main would destroy you, 437 lol.

Oh Iā€™m scared now Iā€™m gonna watch my back now on :smile:

Whatever i am done here, enjoy having a one faction game when alliance wisen up and leave.

Can you not talk to Zidormi in Dark Shore to revert Darnassus to pre burning?

If you can (because you can with undercity), why not do that and go hang there? Its gone from lore, but not gone from the game.