yes for this alone rastakhan deserved to die
I love Darnassus, I love Night Elves theyâre one of my favourite race, but the Horde also lost Undercity so whatâs your problem?
Stop crying, the cities are dead dude.
Dont listen to the haters OP. I agree with you 100%.
Horde gets to nuke our city and get a cool cinematic. Not a horde fanfic expansion btw. Then our own jaina and duin decide to forgive lmao.
You know maybe next expansion will be ours :). Ow wait jk another horde cinematic.
I favouritise alliance but Iâm playing horde character for my friends. I dont really mind which side im on anyways, I can put the lore aside and play the game without feeling bad.
I think the best cities in game are stormwind and thunderbluff I think, after these 2, darnassus. Technically speaking, not counting lore, horde lost undercity so its kinda balanced.
As for /insult /spit etc, I also use them. On my alliance characters I say stuff like âhorde noobsâ, âhorde suckâ, use /insult etc, in fact, I got those macroâed. On my horde characters, I have the same stuff just replace horde with alliance. I like to change my roleplay on different factions. Dont take these insults seriously, its just a game. In any game people will insult you anyways.
For lore, I think even the horde doesnt like it due to how sylvanas turned out. But it doesnt really matter.
However you feel the way you do for a reason, if you are getting this frustrated by this game, I wish you good luck on trying new games.
Have fun
âHorde cinematicâ
Itâs Sylvanas and Bolvar, what are you talking about?
Dont be stupid now. You had legit a quest patched in because you felt bad betraying ur queeeennn
Join a guild that do m+, thereâs bunch of discord that can help with this, Fail Trail EU comes to mind that can help you out, they are social and very chill people to do keyâs and raid with.
Idk man, id say the Alliance cityâs are much better than the Horde ones, at least i donât have to fly around like an idiot in Boralus trying to get around as i have to do in Daz
Yea no, i get the same treatment on my horde altâs with /laugh and /spit from Alliance.
Anduin is like 20, 21 then so far from 13, beside that he was just pushed into the posistion you can see in Legion that heâs stressing with this and doubting himself and what not, maybe read up some lore stuff before jumping on him.
Varian had a death worthy for him, was it to early? yea i miss him, but heck poor Volâjinâs death more than anythingâŠ
While i can agree with this to an extend, we donât know what SL will bring with cinematics in the future, donât get into a sour mood when things can still come
You can indeed, so can still go to Darnassus and look around just as you can with Undercity.
Yeah, I think that on the Alliance we should had one with Tyrande.
But I am talking about Shadowlands Cinematic, how is that Horde???
LOL??? Sylvanus btw she is hordeâŠ
Also bolvar is alliance.
oops. âwasâ
Cool emoji reply. She still is a hordie. Dw you get a quest patched in so you can follow her.
If Sylvanas is still horde then going by that logic bolvar is still alliance so it evens out
She reks him btw.
She also rekt saurfang, darnassus, and undercity. So?
So? Genn rekt sylvanas plans in legion
Yeah back when she was horde :).
Ow but she rekt his whole town back in cata.
Genn is the master, he rekt her better than anyone recently, both Saurfang and Bolvar are just losers.
I love this cinematic
But alliance get to rek orgrimmar in return at the end of that war. You even get a shiny title for it
ow cool a sweet trade then⊠ow wait nvm