Quitting wow

What if we meet arthas in shadowlands, he comes up to sylvanas and says that he is sorry for what he has done to her.

Tears dropping from their eyes, they hug and cry and cry. And then they make sweet… you know the rest.

Yes, this back and forth is rather boring. Next time make a point please.

Well you started it.

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Nah, it was you calling sylvanas hordie when she obviously isn’t anymore but ok :slight_smile:

You know i can just scroll up and see what you said right? This is your dumb post that started it.

Loyalists would disagree with you, they think how Saurfang boys don’t belong to the horde.

Yes, that is my reply trying to make sense of your post. Again, no point.

Sure, because loyalists have the say in the horde now, it’s not like all openly loyal to sylvanas have fled or are under arrest.

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I’m pretty sure that a lot of forsaken still support Sylvanas, and its not like they have been all arrested, they went undercover.

the only way to root out this traitors to burn the horde to the ground! we must begine a new from the ashes

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Which confirms that they do not stand for the current horde, as sylvanas doesn’t .

Sylvanas horde is not an official current government sure, but who can say how there is a no way for her to return back especially if she has in the horde still supporters.

You say that Lich King represents Alliance ? All death knights repeat after me :


what you didn’t notice all the alliance flags all over ice crown citadel sister infact bolvar even dressed up all his undead as stormwind soldiers its all true …

If this would be a real world Anduin in his age would not rule the alliance, he is to young to even rule over the human kingdom, its funny for me how even Greymane calls him my king. It would be more logical instead that Greymane would rule over humans till Anduin would at least get to a certain age, and become more educated and capable to rule. Or maybe even Turalyon.

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actually in the real world there have been kings and even emperors younger then anduin who ruled in their own right the age of adult in the past was 15 due to lower life expediency anduin’s problem is that he’s suppose to have advisors but so far we don’t see them advising at all i mean genn should have known from his own ordeal to equip the troops with gass masks


Sure, but those would not be put to lead the countries in the war times in most cases and the armies, and there are cases how the rule would be taken by someone else more experienced till they would get into the maturity.

What’s with the sudden appearance of a lot of Anti horde and Alliance are treated unfairly posts.

Maybe… just maybe… people don’t like the holier than thou faction with 1D characters like anduin as the head?

The alliance will never get popular unless they start getting characters like Garithos, Onyxia and Arthas.

Also it doesn’t help when Humans look like they just won the bench press world wide tournament and female humans look so… unhuman, seriously.


but anduin is nothing special in history his no more 1d then his real life counter parts :stuck_out_tongue: the haters are just uncultured and ignorant of the past

Alliance has so many good characters like Tyrande, Maiev, Yrel, captain Fareeya, Moira, but none of them can’t get into the spotlight because Blizzard is currently portraying the alliance as a weak faction, and in on totally underwhelming way. Malfurion is also much stronger than the Blizzard is portraying him, he should have been strongest druid alive, and he is nowhere to be seen.


age does not equal wisdom as the night elves have shown time and again their long lives gave them nothing but hubris and arrogance

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