R1 Blood Death Knight wintrading solo shuffle with his rdruid friend

You are correct indeed, tanks are incredibly bad. They are probably tuned that way for a reason blizzard does not want them in arena.

I would be much happier if tanks were more like wotlk prot warrior style doing big damage while being squishy. Maybe having their own teamplate in pvp.

But in current state they have no place in pvp. It’s an absolute meme and failure in SS.

Cutoffs most seasons are literally 2k. Compare it to the people who try hard facing good players on top of the ladder meanwhile a r1 tank player is in the mud facing 1500 undergeared players LOL.

It is just embarassing, not here to rating shame but if you look up the r1 tank players most of them are literal 1800 players. Absolute failure of the system.

100% of these poeple would never get it on an actual spec including me and you. It’s just an abuse of a broken system.

The reason you got 2.6 is because they heavily bumped up mmr this otherwise completely dead season. I mean hell, people are 2.4 after placements. Also because blood is by far the best tank, almost viable.

You can proclaim yourself a blood king, but at the end of the day ur just a king of the duelist bracket. Also in a solo shuffle, that makes it even worse.

one more ape getting boosted/wintrades, honestly nothing new here. 80% of this forum is sus, by engaging in convos with them, you only degrade urself

Every bracket and every spec people wintrade blizzard doesn’t care and so shouldn’t you.

Get on with your lives if the company that owns the game doesn’t care why would you stress or waste your precious times over it.


Good he trys to hide it again, luckily I did save some evidence, that the rdruid he played agsinst with on Seifchams stream, has for some reason accidently the same amount of games played our so called blood god did XD last season and the blood god only played positive hehehhe.

He did try to wintrade quite legit, but you cant hide it from me I see it all.

The blood god wintrading last season.

Only positive :)))

This time again he hides his match history.

Whoever believes he didnt wintrade has no IQ

I forgot those who cannot count, the so called blood has played 36 games and the rdruid he did play against on stream has 36 games too and the selfcalles blood god didnt go negative once.

Your friend shouldnt have opened this, now this is public in the official forums.

Even more reason to remove tank r1’s. 90% of them are wintraded anyway, and the few that are obtained legitimately are given out for being top 3 of 100 players tops.
It’s supposed to be a top 0.1% title

I remember the Prot Pal R1 last season. I haven’t looked this season, or in s1/s2, but in s3 it was the most obvious wintrade since they could only q against each other. There was even a guy who went so far as to q into himself and stand afk for a 6-0, and I don’t think anything happened to him.

And these people get the same title as people who need to be in like top 15 all specs included to get a title.


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You mean the prot pala who kept defending himself while spamming that everyone else is bad? While there were literal proof he kept wintrading with himself? :melting_face:

If things can be exploited it makes it less interesting.

You really are a case huh, finding all this nonsense random pictures of people I have no connection to - The thing that happened on Seifchams stream is that I lost 2-4, and you kept acting crazy in chat, trying to shame me for ???.

Well, whatever - keep talking trash, the only thing your here for is drama, and I kinda got baited ngl. Irritating with insignificant people like you.

Tho, I can send you a picture of my feet, if that satisfies you.

Post reflex no other words of your dirty fingers will misproof my evidence.

At least you did admit, that you did buy the sl s1 glad boost :))))

haha wtf - good luck with ure ‘‘evidence’’

post reflex why do you try to hide???

Wintrading Rahbekius?

Anotherdkx-Ravencrest got his r1 title without ban and Obames-Stormscale is not banned either.
There you have it folks! If video + match history evidence is not enough to ban obvious wintrading then I assume wintrading is not against ToS. Blizzard had their chance to put down their foot and ban multiple wintraders to set an example for the future of the game but they did not. Can’t wait to see how battleground blitz turns out since they are allowing duo premades.

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It’s frustrating how wintraders often go unpunished, but what’s worse is when Blizzard finally acts, they forget to address the full impact. Simply removing wintraders from the rankings without giving the titles to the next eligible players is unfair. Those who played legitimately should not be punished.

Our dear Rahbek who did wintrade also didnt get banned.

You cant proof wintrading that’s the problem, you can just have a massive lag and connection issues, the only proof seems to be rmting.

Thats where get banned, when you do something for money.

And forget it Blizzard will never ban anyone because of 1 lobby.

Dear Rahbek did play plenty of lobbys against his same druid friend and never went negative and nothing happened.

Yes he lagged so hard that he can’t press any cds when playing against his dk friend but the lag miraculously stops and he plays perfect with his dk friend in his team. Everyone can see clearly that this is wintrading but Blizzard just does not care.

Dear Rahbek did not wintrade, and knows nothing about your fictive druid character.

I don’t know what I did to make you so obsessed with me, but it’s super frustrating ngl.

I have already reported you for harassment and sent multiple tickets, sadly this is also something blizzard seems not to handle correctly, since your still here spreading fake news.

Reflex :)))))))))))

Threre is a reason why he hides it hahahhahaha

Someone who has that big problems, that he did even buy a glad boost in sl s1 had absolutely no hesitation to wintrade a ranl 1 for.

Human Rahbek, you are no more than a human, why dont you publish your Reflex openly???

I’m under no obligation to share my personal win results or record, and honestly, I’m not bothered to do so—I have nothing to hide. Now, if you were the police, it might be a different story, as I wouldn’t have much of a choice then.

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Your win rate is 60% you dont have to share anything for people to find out :slight_smile:

Acording to your stats for this season for anyone who is wondering:
2v2 213 games 120 wins 56% win rate
3v3 278 games 160 wins 58% win rate
10v10 68 games 41 wins 60% win rate
Blood SS 25 games 24 wins 96% win rate
Frost SS 25 games 25 wins 100% win rate
Unholy SS 90 games 90 wins 100% win rate

How can you win trade if you win 100% of the time lel

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