I dont really care if they nerf raids or not as I dont raid anyway, however, setting up discussion thread is a great thing. This is how you should communicate blizzard, good start, keep it up.
Then bring a survival Hunter like i am ;D
We bring a ret pala and a survival hunter. The days of buff/debuff cap are long over.
I wouldnt mind having the gy right outside. But changing the raid tuning in any way shape or form mid phase is a very ill adviced idea
there you go elitis Pve…
why you think? Fast kills will be faster. And no kills raids will kill and loot, so it will be more competitive.
Dont you also need 1 shadow priest in each group because you will go oom in 10 seconds ?
I switch to affliction on my lock. Much more fun. Just dot everything in range including sheeped targets, run into raid, seed, soulshatter, laugh a lot
I wish I had 3 shadow priests in my group alone but that’s not gonna happen
There have already been 8 weeks of t5 raiding. Speedruns started about 4 weeks ago and parses have been competitive since week 1. If you change the raidtuning now, all the times and dps records achieved in these 8 weeks will be rendered irrelevant since we’ll have a completely new raid with completely different tuning.
Thats the equivalent of changing the 100m dash into a 50m dash halfway through the olympic games, because one of the contestants broke his leg but you want to be able to give him a participationtrophy and 50m is the best he can do.
That’s a very elitist mindset that will hurt the game long term. I’m sure you’ll be able to see that.
As someone suggested - just nerf health of the trash mobs.
Actually, parses are irrelevant.
No need to nerf it. I´m a 9/10 scrub and i thoroughly enjoy progressing on Vashj. The final bosses are not hard. Just need to give it a few tries to check the fight out. Simple as that. If you can´t be bothered to atleast do that, go back to retail.
Succesfully completing a somewhat “hard” boss fight should be any raiders goal. What´s the point if you just get the loot handed to you (i know, it´s not what would happen with Vashj/KT but you get my point)
In before, people say “Oh, but i dont want to spent more time playing this game, hur dur”
I don’t think they need nerf, me and my guild became even stronger and we have new members just because of that, some of us are new to these bosses, and we did try few times to kill Vashj but we faild (9/10) … and she isn’t hard, we just need to focus more, we made new friends and we have alot of fun… if you nerf these bosses or any other boss the guild will die, we have nothing else to do, we progress every week and it’s the only reason why we are still playing this game, i don’t wanna see every pug raid doing Kael and Vash, it’s true… some guilds will quit and new are formed… it always have been like that… because only with hard work good rewards will come
The bosses are pretty nicely tuned in tbc, if you’re struggling then start looking within the raid and pull up people that die alot, underperform. Cant really blame the content being hard if you cant play anyway. Use stam trinkets if you are getting slapped by multishot or have everyone gather thornling seeds from dire maul, just whatever it takes to make it a bit easier.
We scraped through this week for vashj and kt with about 10 people alive on both fights and its the best feeling in the world, dont ruin it for everyone else by making it a joke and consider the problem isnt the difficulty of the fight
Having read many of the comments here its clear that there is a split between people that do not want the nerf and people that do.
Which, lets face it, was always going to be the case.
From my point of view, I am nether bothered I co-run a guild that only last week managed to kill Vashj and tonight we plan our first real progress night on KT. Do we expect to get him tonight? I am 50/50 but as much as I would love the prestige of being able to say I was able to drop KT before the nerf, I am now at the point where I just want the guild to move forward. I have every confidence that we will drop him given enough pulls and I don’t want to have to cut players that are only bringing 80% of their A-Game, I don’t play this game to be in a sweaty hardcore team, I play it to enjoy the content with the players I have played with since Classic first came to be.
And seeing as both Vashj & KT drop alot of BIS gear for alot of people, it would be nice to get some of that gear going into P3 without having to juggle SSC, TK, MH & BT all in 3 Raid nights.
Looking at the bigger picture, I have seen multiple guilds folding over the past few months due to them being stuck on 8/10, some of these guilds have been day 1 guilds like mine and it really is sad to see these guilds disappear. Then to see these players get scooped up by the toxic sweaty guilds to then mock the guilds in a public eye who “oh mer gurd, how can you guys not kill a 15 year old boss lul”
TLDR: The nerf will help alot of guilds that are struggling to help to keep the community flowing. The backlash of this will upset the players that are only here to experience the “real TBC”
It’s a tough decision and not one I would like to make but, I think that the bigger picture wins for me personally.
Kael’thas is not even comparable to vashj. Most guilds kill him in 5 - 15 attempts. It’s not a hard fight at all, just get through the phases and learn. Vashj is just an rng fest at the last 10%, kt does not have any of that. Goodluck!
another proposed change that might work, is change shamans to wrath prepatch, so their totems / buffs work raid wide meaning guilds need less shamans for the raid, as it currently stands most guilds do not have 5 shamans and it is showing a notisable diffrence on logs to guilds that do have them, there is a destinct lack of shamans on servers and it is only getting less and with SOM coming out soon alot of players will stop playing tbc as they are burnt out and will play SOM instead
great post and it is sad that the more relaxed guilds are struggling for members, because these sweaty guilds are poaching constantly with promise of progression, and alot of them have 40 + members for 1 team or 80 + for 2 teams and most of these newer members bearly get raid spots / loot due to looting systems
Pugs are clearing t 5 in one evening and you want to nerf the content even more?