Raid Adjustments Discussion

Camon GMs :frowning: Please give us the nerf. We can’t kill the bosses and it is starting to get sad. Pleaseeeee. I know you want to nerf it so people stop quitting and start playing again with the hope of getting endgame P2 loot

how is 2-3 evening of raiding and burn hundred of gold mire relaxing than one evening :thinking:


After having tried both worlds, I can safely tell that wipeless raids can definitely be more stressful than raids with wipes etc., regardless of gold spent depending on your guild.

Really depends on the circumstances of your wipe. Wiping to trash because hunters keep multishotting the CC’d mobs gets tiresome after a while.

However wiping because your main tank confidently says “it’ll be fine, we can grab this pack without chaining the others” is a lot more entertaining than it sounds.

Tiresome and stressful are different things to me. Wiping to other people’s mistakes every now and then is tiresome. Feeling the pressure of maintaining a perfect performance because your slightest mistake can cause you to lose your raid spot or, at least, your place in loot priority is stressful.

Ultimately I would prefer if things went smoothly, ofc, but if the price to pay for it is to turn every raid - no matter how easy - into a constant test where you’re on trial… I’d rather do without that tbh. I like to perform well, but not to always have to perform better because it’s never enough to some.

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If loot is your concern maybe don’t raid but pvp. There you get loot for no effort but time.

Well, they have showed us that they dont care about what the game was back then so there is no need to continue with “what was back then”.

Can we get an update? Will we get the nerf on reset 17/11?



We’re still discussing this and looking at options from a design perspective. We haven’t made any decisions yet, and we won’t be making any changes of this sort in the next week.

Please feel free to continue the discussion, as your feedback is highly valuable to us.

Thank you.


Thanks. Feel free to nerf the crap out of the bosses now. People have had enough time wiping and progressing, probably is about time to just sort of stop the bleeding and let people kill the bosses, get some loot, and have some fun before the next tier of pre-nerf horror rolls in.


How exactly is killing loot pinata’s fun? We have that in LFR and Normal mode raiding on retail.

This is TBC, not everybody is supposed to breeze through the content. If you can’t do the content, you improve until you can; not lower the difficulty.

I’m looking forward to the whine threads.


Thanks for the update.
Personally I think it’s time, we’re going into 9 weeks since the raid released so it’s time for the nerf. Most guilds got both raids on farm by now, hurrying it up so that we can complete both tk and ssc on one night would be really refreshing (and save a bit of gold :wink:)

Something to consider for content moving forward is maybe to have a stacking buff each week that makes it slightly easier.


Dont nerf the final bosses before next phase. Noobs can still kill 8/10 so many guilds and even pug easily clear current content in one evening.

Better make changes to accessabilty to t5 content:

-make attunement account wide
-give heroic keys for honored. currently you dont even need dungeon gear anymore until you have all the reps up.
-make vashj MC targets cc’able

why do people deserve loot if they cant kill a boss? we have retail for tourism modes



that’s P3

that would be some kind of P3 nerf

Keep the game fun! No nerfs before P3


Getting loot is fun. Fun things are fun. You can go raid mythic+ in retail if you want challenging content. I don’t think it needs to be in TBC. People would struggle even without the pre-nerf crap they’re pulling, anyway. I know this because people managed to struggle in Classic even with world buffs, and TBC is harder mechanically anyway and puts a lot more emphasis on the individual player as opposed to Classic’s 40 mans where you can easily put out 0 dps and get carried. And say what you want about that, but I had a lot more fun pugging in Classic than I’ve had in TBC.

Or I can stick to pre-nerf TBC content, the way it’s supposed to be and the way that people asked for it to be. You on the other hand, can go play LFR retail if “getting loot is fun”. Hell, you can get loot from 8/10!

Bad example: one mistake and your world buffs were gone.

Then you’re playing the wrong game. Go play Classic era? Go play Season of Mastery?

Stop trying to change a game to be more like a different version of a game that you like. That thinking is what lead us to retail in the bloody first place.


what people struggle exactly? most people according to logs have cleared the content

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Since devs are appareantly reading this channel more closely than the rest of the forum:

Belts tend to just vanish when guild tabards are equipped leaving an empty space where the belt is supposed to be. This is a really annoying graphic bug that I would love to see adressed before the raidtuning gets messed with.

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Please hold off any nerfs. The content is very doable - also for the guilds are that aren’t going hard. We’re seeing top guilds using more and more melee so it’s not a strict matter of composition either.

Feel free to nerf it once P3 is released.