Raid or DIE again

The issue here is lockouts. M+ has no lockouts so the loot it rewards should never displace gear with lockouts. Probably. Who knows.

M+ gear is completely comparable to raid gear for the weekly chest - because it has a lockout.

That poses a question - raiding already works based on weekly lockouts, so why does that even have a chest in the great vault? Very strange decision.

Anyway, I think random bonus rolls when used in M+, which have a weekly lockout (see how this is starting to work?) should reward the great vault item level if something drops.

This isn’t a case of “We want you to raid or die” so much as it’s just a design team who’s completely lost the plot on loot.

They lost it 4-5 years ago and they’re still going at it. Now they’re trying to fix it by listening to the community, but the community is imprecise and they’re having trouble translating it to anything coherent.

Someone seriously needs to sit down and talk about loot systems in RPG’s. I put this up but obviously they’re not listening.

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