Raid or DIE again

the ‘real game’ being logging in for 2 hours twice a week to raid? :clown_face:


can u stop troling , u deserve to be flagged , troller

Say what ever you want,its a minigame like pet battles,Blizzard shouldnt care much about it.They should focus more on real game

Im not trolling fella,i just say it like it is

I don’t understand how Blizzard can make a change like this after introducing Keystones in Legion as an alternative to Raiding.

If anything, the cap on gear should extend up to +20 and award gear with an item level on par with Mythic; don’t even try to pretend 20 is a difficulty most people can farm or even do once a week, and if a group is good enough to actually farm 20s or higher? They kind of deserve that kind of loot at that stage.


yes u are trolling so u want call a game login every week for 2 hours to get loot and thats it?

Read the article, disappointedly, the weekly chest will give mythic raid ilvl gear, although this time there’s a huge power gap between the first 8 bosses and the last 2 bosses in the mythic raid.

The huge problem is that when we’ll be starting Shadowlands at around ilvl 100, by the end of the first season we’ll be 233, which is a 130% ilvl increase and the same problems with power that existed in BFA will remain in Shadowlands.

Guys it’s not about item level rewards…it’s abou the fact that there is no purpose in doing high m plus. Imagine if you received different rewards for PVP until you reach a rating of 1800 and then after that NOTHING.

That’s currently the way m+ works: you get rewards until +15 and after that nothing changes ^^
There is just no innovation and that is in my opinion just sad because m+ has evolved the most important contents in world of warcraft.

have been like that for 13 years,whats the problem fella,you cant kill the real Endgame and want some shiny loot from easy content you can farm for 2 years in a row ?!?

have u played m+ season 2 and season 3 in bfa? it was good and fun to play

The issue here is lockouts. M+ has no lockouts so the loot it rewards should never displace gear with lockouts. Probably. Who knows.

M+ gear is completely comparable to raid gear for the weekly chest - because it has a lockout.

That poses a question - raiding already works based on weekly lockouts, so why does that even have a chest in the great vault? Very strange decision.

Anyway, I think random bonus rolls when used in M+, which have a weekly lockout (see how this is starting to work?) should reward the great vault item level if something drops.

This isn’t a case of “We want you to raid or die” so much as it’s just a design team who’s completely lost the plot on loot.

They lost it 4-5 years ago and they’re still going at it. Now they’re trying to fix it by listening to the community, but the community is imprecise and they’re having trouble translating it to anything coherent.

Someone seriously needs to sit down and talk about loot systems in RPG’s. I put this up but obviously they’re not listening.

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I doubt it will stay this way, I am also willing to accept my opinion is the minority…

but I think M+ offering max HC loot is best for the game. I miss raids being the main source.

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well m+ u will get 1 item per week only but if u say from raid u can get much much more and doing +15 at start will be hard

You are messing things around mate,PvP require skill,M+ doesnt

Blizzard are cutting the amount of loot from raids in half as well.

More than likely you’ll get 1-2 pieces per week from raids now.


Actually yes if to be fair, but in other hand players already forced to raid if they focused on M+ push hight keys, coz all BiS gear in raid. I’m even get kicked on my rogue when they didn’t see MH from Raden.
But it will kill any M+ i bet, coz there is no reason now to do M+ in SL if ur not focused to beat world records. Even M+ chest is not worth it, coz in 99% cases its just garbage gear with wrong stats.

u are wrong , just give your +15 keys to 4 randoms and tell me will u be to do it or not?

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or just what will never happen , SEPARATE gear for m+ , raid , pvp that gear from one thing is scaled down for other thing on level of mythic dungeon which is i think same as lfr

There’s one episode in Vanilla that helps explain what is happening now: Naxxramas.

Why TBC had 25 man raids instead of 40 man raids ?

Because apparently the developers didn’t liked the fact that only a very small portion of the player base did that Raid.

In WoTLK they went further and there was 10 man Raids.

In Cataclysm that was scrapped for LFR.

In BFA if you want to do well in PVP battlegrounds and Arenas are no longer relevant.

In SL they are prioritizing Raiding again.

Unfortunately, this goes in line with their view of making everyone go through the exact same route.

There’s only one path now and that’s Raiding. :frowning_face:

People have constantly complained we played a Beta game in BFA, in my opinion: they were right.

Unfortunately that’s what Mithic + is in opinion: another experiment.

Three ILV difference may not seem much, but we are being scaled down from level 120 to level 50.


The chest is gonna be better this time around in that you get more options - and if your primary concern about M+ is the item level of the standard dropping gear well… It’s already relevant for like 2-3 weeks, and yet people are still spamming M+ like there’s no tomorrow well past that point. That’ll be fine.

But yeah, you gotta raid to be in the very high end of PvE… I really can’t say I have a problem with that.