Raid or DIE again

What if I called PvP a mini-game? :thinking:

Will be its fun for you? If not, there is will be no reason to spent so many time in 2 games to raid.

I mean isnā€™t this a bit contradictory?
Casual players are probably not interested in Rio numbers, while top M+ pusher do it for pushing the highest keys and not really for the score.

And top m+ pusher probably raid M anyway so they get the best gear.

Also i dont really understand how spending a night pushing high M+ is different than bashing your head against the same boss until it goes down.

It was an infinite and very fast source of Artifact Power - and those other items were quite powerful.

In Shadowlands even less drops. But it doesnā€™t matter because you can just run it endlessly. The argument is about lockouts.

And M+ 15 isnā€™t that hard even when the raid opens. We were smashing through them after just a few days with each tier.

And yeah, weā€™re mythic raiders from the previous tier so I guess thereā€™s that, but stillā€¦ donā€™t overstate your case.

Youā€™re confusing wall time and play time. Simple as that.

In the beggining and for the TOP guilds, who lived in M+ to prepare WFirst.

The hell does that even mean?
Youā€™re complaining that people can gear up in keystones quicker than they can in heroics. Iā€™m pointing out that unless they sink an ungodly amount of time into keystones, which would be the equivalent of running a heroic raid numerous times over, they canā€™t gear quicker than in raids.
So what does your distinction matter?

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I feel 8.3 really skewed how difficult people view Mythic+ as.

so how many drops will be?

The distinction matter because time spent playing does not mean same focus is needed.

If someone fish for 10 hour straight he will never drop a piece of Mythic loot. Because even if the time invested is big, the focus needed is super low.

Plus raid is locked, you canā€™t farm HC raids 10 times a week with the same character.

Nah, it was happening further down the ladder, too.

It means what it says.

Wall time is the amount of time the clock ticks, like a clock on the wall.
Play time is how much you need to play.

Lockouts locks based on wall time.
Farming locks based on play time.

So yes, theyā€™d need to put it an ungodly amount of time - but they can do it - and that, in a nutshell, is the problem Iā€™m pointing out.

By the way, if youā€™re confused about what a word means, you can use Google to look it up. Getting fed up with this. Good day.

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/10 chars

Not sure exactly ,but it was on wowhead few weeks ago.

one even if +3?

Did u spam islands hardly in BFA too? Coz there is such the same if u spam M+ in Legion.

yes, at least thatā€™s the last thing I saw:

  1. Loot Changes

The End-of-Run chests in Mythic+ will only reward a single piece of gear at the end of each run in Shadowlands

hahaha only one item and below hc raid .no comment !

Iā€™m sorry, are you really comparing running keystones to fishing?

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On the whole grp? Oh lol, M+ literally dead in SL.

I did. We all spammed an ungodly and horrific amount of islands.

One person, who doesnā€™t have a job because heā€™s got ADD, played islands so much it became a literal health hazard. Heā€™s also got rank 14 from vanilla - go figureā€¦ xā€™D

And yes, I hate islands. I hate them hate them hate them

I wanted to specify ā€œi am not comparing keystones to fishingā€ but I had faith you would understand that i was making an example to make my point more clear.

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