Raid or DIE again

It’s not an accurate analogy because it implies spamming keystones is easy and thoughtless. It isn’t.

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I always saw Raiding as the main endgame content as it ties into the story where as M+ dungeons where always something side to do so yes the gear shouldnt be the strongest from a side activity and this is a great move by Blizz if true.

No the analogy was not about being easy, but about it being repeatable as long as you like.

One content can be cleared and looted once a week, the other can be spammed for 168 hours a week.

If the content spammable give better loot whats by the time hc raid reset, you would have little reason to come back.

Even if fishing had a chance to spawn super hard monsters, it would have still to be subpar gear because it is something you can spam.

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I don’t think it’s fair to call mythic+ a side activity, because it is one of WoW’s most popular activities now.

Rather the reason for this has less to do with “nerfing mythic+” on the grand stage, and more to do with stopping players cheesing heroic raids when progressing by outgearing the ilevel, so they can trade all the loot to BIS, and then plough through the raid and advance to mythic tier much more quickly.

I think blizzard want that “continual progression” to return. Ie in season 1 they want the raid to be progressed steadily, at least across the heroic and mythic tiers - you have to spend some time in the heroic version to get people ready for mythic.
When people were entering the raid with ilevel better than the drops, it meant they got the BIS bits very quickly (and we all know raids have special trinkets etc which are super strong despite the fact nyaHC was lower ilevel than M+ max) so they were “ready for mythic tier” as a guild in 2-3 weeks which is probably quicker than blizzard want.

I think blizzard want people to get mythic done sure, and have some time with it on farm, but they want that to happen more slowly. In BFA the top tier of raids started to get farmed by the raiding guilds extremely quickly due to the whacko relationship between M+ and heroic item levels.

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Why? The amount of people who will genuinely be willing to do that, or even able to, is miniscule. The system should not be designed around something like that.

Let me start by saying I hate ‘raid or die’, I do. But… Who cares about 3 item levels?! Calling that ‘useless’ is just so silly. That means you consider all gear below mythic raid gear useless. :man_shrugging: :crazy_face:

Same as lootboxes. The number of people who’ll gamble thousands of euro on lootboxes is miniscule, but the general consensus is that lootboxes are a bad thing. The system should be designed in such way that it doesn’t encourage bad playing patterns.

if it is 1 item per 5 character that means that u cant get more than 1 item per 2hour and 30 mins that means 4 items per 10 hours and if are really crazzy that means cant get more than 10 item per day if u are no lifer , what is max 70 items per week so if u make if are really idiot and than making 10% chance when u get loot that is same as weekly chest so playing 10 hours min to get that looks fair deal to me not just waiting for weekly chest

What why? Didn’t you know that 99% of players are streamers and they can spam whole day.
Oh wait,it’s other way round.

wait what???you are doing one M+ for 2h and 30 mins…dude you got alot more problems than this 3 ilvl lower from M+,also ofc the minigame should reward lower level items than HC Raiding

Like few people will be able to clear the entire raid the first few weeks.

While in M+ they have a never ending source of gear, in raid your options are way more restricted.

The weekly cache reward a Mythic ilvl look because is not repeatable, is just 1 chance per week.

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well i gues u dont understand 1 item and there is 5 players in m+ SO USE BRAIN BEFORE U COMMENT

It may be popular but it is very fair to call it a side activity, you can farm it as many times you want a day and get gear depending on RNG but still farmabale raiding is considered THE end game experience and for the last few expansions ties into the story via quests to encourage more people into raiding or getting a taste of it.

This is the best move Blizz could do imho, you can still think of it this way at last you can do what you enjoy to get moderately decent gear to hold you over until your raid gear drops.

It’s personal loot everyone gets a personal chance to get loot with every m+ dungeon run, in a raid you get 1 chance per boss per week.

Its not one items silly,its one item and if you time it its 2 items…
And if you ask me,thats even more than minigame players do deserve

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I disagree; they aren’t comparable. Lootboxes are designed in a predatory fashion and target people’s money. The keystone system is not set up in a way that discourages spamming them with how low the drop rates are and how much time and effort is spent actually earning those drops.
Blizzard should not be responsible for the morons who decide to ignore those things and waste their time pursuing such an unappealing goal.

This only pans out if you assume a mythic dungeon takes 30 minutes.

Most mythic dungeons do not take 30 minutes, that is the time you have to do them, so if you’re taking 30 minutes, you’re not timing it.

20 minutes would be a more reasonable estimate. It’s still a lot of time but it would reduce it down by a third, which means that players who “mythic all day” would be able to get the amount of loot you’re talking about.

The time isn’t the issue, it’s the random. You may be able to play enough in one day to get 5-6 pieces of loot if you’re dedicated, but will those pieces be upgrades?

This said I can get why they’ve done this in relation to raiding.

can u flag this troll pls he is just nothing than troll

So saying mr minigame the trueth is somehow trolling this days,what a snowflake.Get over it,your minigame was busted for gearing for 2 expansions and it will get what it deserves now…
At the end of the week,you will get your Mythic Raid Ilvl items in your box without been in any shape or form good enough for Mythic raiding.So take that and get over it

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well min 20 mins if u dont need to go out go to another dungeon and than do again so it is average 30 mins