Raid or DIE again

Mmmm no you said it yourself you can clear a m+ in 20 mins if you are looking to time it a guild can be stuck on a raid boss for weeks loot to time ratio is much higher in m+ and needed a massive nerf.

He said nothing wrong tho, if for him is a minigame leave him be?

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Yeah don’t mistake my tone, i’m not that fussed over this. For me mythic+ is about getting gear to do mythic+ and climb and challenge myself. I don’t really give a stuff if it’s better or worse than gear people get from raiding.

As said in my post, I understand why they’ve done it - to stop people being able to trade loot when entering heroic raids which allows people to gear up from heroic raids very quickly to get the pieces they want and then head straight into mythic difficulty. I don’t think blizz want it to happen as quickly as it has in BFA.

I imagine they want people to progress from one to the next fairly smoothly. In BFA raiding guilds would spend very little time in heroic raids and then jump into mythic. Essentially they’d “try and get lucky” in their first heroic raid lockout, and then spend the rest of the week spamming M+ to get ilevel. Then in week two a lot of their members can now trade any drops.

Don’t worry about it. OP is just miffed the game isn’t wrapped around how THEY want it to play.

Wait for the inevitable “The community agrees!” or “I’ve spoken to lots of people” or something similar which is a time old fashioned way of stamping your feet and sniveling because you didn’t get you way and you want sympathy.

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well for everyone else is part of game only he thinks that is mini game

Yeah same Im sorry if I’m coming across horribly I don’t mean too, I understand your point of view but at least you can still gear in m+ to do m+ because you might go into a raid and not get a single piece of loot where as m+ will supplement you in the meantime with more guaranteed drops.

But he’s not wrong, it’s a side farmable activity.

it is a part of the game,a minigame part

its not side thing it is part of game and blizzard even told that u can progress your character trough everthing , BUT U CANT

Well if indeed “raid or die” philosophy returns then guess its back to having 1 main which you log in 2-3 times a week to raid and then log off haha.

You can Raiding is the end game experience and should wield the most powerful loot, and m+ is most definitely a side activity as again it’s farmable to your hearts content.

Thats not a bad thing because then you can repick up those old games again or level an alt WoW should not make you feel you have to spend “all” of your time on it.

ok if it is mini game and easy , will you allow 4 random with 460 gear to do +15 key or +17 idk which key u have atm

It is a minigame,side activity like the other fella said,they didnt even made a ranking system in the game for it,its even more minigame than PvP…get over it

No worries, I didn’t take it that way, I meant don’t take my post as a complaint towards the change, because I understand why it’s been done, and I don’t think 3 ilevels completely trivialises M+. It’s still a repeatable source of gear and the quality of that gear is still very good.

M+ gear is still as strong as it was comparatively - so it will still be good enough for M+ (210 = 465) the only change is now heroic raids offer slightly stronger loot (213 = 471ish or so). It’s only an issue if you now feel you need stronger gear than you’ve been working with in BFA to do the mythics you have been doing.

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NO it is not SIDE THING , some levels of m+ are far harder than any raid and im talking about +30 things which i know will never see than on stream

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simply i want that scaling of m+ doesnt stop at +15 that scales up to +20 or +25 maybe i will never get that but will have reason to push

What that +30 will give you,ow wait some random generated number in 3rd party side made by fans of a mini side game in a real game :smiley: Awesome

Ye i want R1 players that reach 3000+ raiting to have 100 ilvl higher items than anyone other in the game because they are 100 times better than them but that doesnt happen.SO GET OVER IT MR MINIGAME

if u care only about doing raids , WELL OTHER PPL CARE about other things in the game, if u dont want play m+ few dungeons per day some ppl want

It is but ok thats your opinion.

Depends on your level of competance with 4 people, now look at Raiding you are looking at needing 4 times more competance than what it takes to do a m+ dungeon.

This entire discussion gives the impression that both raiders and mythic+ player play mostly because of loot rewards. I find that really strange, I thought it should be the other way around. Perhaps for a change, none of these game modes should get any loot higher than what quests give. Just to see if everyone would really stop playing the game then.