Raid or DIE again

At the end of the day it is all about the loot and getting your character to the best place you can, take away the loot and there won’t be an incentive to do those things.

some ppl want that they can come just to raids few hours per week and do nothing after that

can u put full text not just cutting important part of text where i told +25 +30

and if u want just raid that is top gear THAN GO AND PLAY CLASSIC

Why don’t you? Im sure you’ll be happy to just run Stratholme all day just to get all the little loots you can, oh wait no it’s too long…

M+ has too much of an instant gratification fix to it because the loot is ALOT easier to get than from raiding.

Nope I’ll quote what I like thanks.

that means that u are taking my words OUT OF CONTEXT

Honestly it cannot get any worse at this point.

Even the raiders are annoyed by the systems of the new expac.

Who is this game even catered to these days?

Nope because if you knew what you were doing here instead of endlessly raging if you click the up arrow in the quote it shows the entire post. Simples!

The new overlords - casuals :smiley:

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I am casual as well.
In fact its not us, we have been overtaken by raging plebs.

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As much as I would like to stick it to the current M+ crowd (although not all of them, just the few who think RIO is gospel), the ilvl from highest M+ should be on par with the ilvl from mythic raids. (Plus there should be PVP gear that comes from PVP that is significantly better than everything else for PVP and significantly worse than best PVE gear for PVE.)

While I agree with the RIO rubbish you mention I absolutely disagree about m+ gear being on par with raiding gear unless they make drops significantly lower from m+ and lock out the dungeon once its been done so the maximum you can do it one of each dungeon per week…

Then it would be fair to have it on par with raiding gear.

just answer me this what is point of doint high m+ like +20 if u need gear from raid to do it and maybe trinkets will be good from m+

Obviously the gear is scaled to make the run doable just having gear from a raid will make it a lot easier so if you do both you’ll get an advantage as you are doing more content but if all you do is just far m+ then you’ll get gear to make it doable just not overpower it because you are only focusing on 1 form of content.

well but last 2 bosses will give better gear from any m+ thing , and probably most of this items will be best in slot what makes like for m+ u will need raid , but for raid u will not need any m+ at all , if u want to raid u will be able to play only raid 3 days per week for 3 hour per days

Well, yes, the drop rates (the expected number of pieces per week) for the same ilvl should obviously be the same.

Exactly raiding is limited to a week at a time so the chances of getting the best loot is limited by multiple factors IE is your guild stuck on a certain boss and pushing to down it and then there’s the RNG of the crappy personal loot system, mythic plus is farmable so you can keep farming a dungeon until you get the loot you desire.

why for expample +16 should not give small chance to drop 3 item levels more in end of dungeon , +17 even +6 more untill reach mythic last 2 bosses or something like that

well tbh i want master loot back , ppl coming to raid when they want with what they want , and making ppl who are more often i raid and better player to have loot prio at the end everyone should be geared

Probably because it is farmable. While current mythic raid ilvl loot is on a lockout by the raid, or the weekly M+ chest.