Raid or DIE again

No it isnt lmao.

I don’t know about you lads, but I hope for a great archeology content add!
Mythic++ archeology raid (with possibility for random PVP mount offs) NOW! This could be WoWs chance for redemption ;9

ye but if it is small chance than it is locked by time bcs u cant do more than x dungeons per week no matter who you are , only if u are CHUCK NORRIS

Indeed :slight_smile: We also got lower amount of loot in M+ per run. Blizz should try to balance it.
I am the one not raiding anyway. Or maybe i will finish heroic, by circumstances, in my guild for social purposes. My main content is M+. I am not yet really bothered by current changes. I do think the weekly vault 3 choices get more important this way.

Even if your guild is not into raiding you can just pug it week 1.

Personally I like the change, and it’s only 3ilvls.

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You don’t need that gear to do M+ outside of stupid high keys.

And stupid high keys is hardcore content which is why those who do all the hardcore content in the game have that slight advantage.

But I don’t really think you need full 226 to climb above the weekly chest somehow. To eek out the very top end? Maybe.

Given how you got your +15 achievement a couple of weeks ago, I’d think your idea of “facerolling” content is different from mine.

This change is detrimental for the playerbase who actually do M+ for no real reason. It’ll be annoying for a few weeks, 4-5, then forgotten as those who do M+ will time 15s week on week starting week 1-2 anyway, but there’s no real value IMO for it.

You don’t need special gear to do the weeklies. I’m just curious and maybe worried how the participation will look like. From one side less players “will bother” with running M+ while from the other “metagaming” can inflate required or desired ilvl above M+ just because HC raid drops it which then leads to even less people bothered with it.

If it will be so the game will be just “log in once a week but keep the sub rolling so you are up to date with all those weeklies”.

This is perfect, Raid loot should be the end loot. Not M+

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Well you can have a discussion heroic raid loot should be the end loot. I am not really bothered about this change yet. We’ll have to see how it work out.

You don’t even do keys high enough that need the absolute best possible gear, why are you even complaining about this?

I guess the qoutation marks and asterisk reasoning went over your head huh.

Not for me I’ll farm some gear to help do mythic raiding but I do M+ mostly for fun not gear. Not every content in this game has to be done for gear. In fact the only purpose of gear is to help you do other, more difficult content in the first place.

I think because mythic+ is repeatable there is less risk of people being dissuaded. It has that in its favour, and it’s much more “pick up and play” than raiding. People with antisocial schedules for example can do it quite readily and get far, and it gives them gear of value. Id say for some, that’s enough. Certainly for others, the fact “it’s the best” is probably important too of course.

Raiding is less repeatable and tied to schedules. Therefore if raiding is “less viable”, compared to mythic+, I’d argue those people won’t bother with that raiding tier. It’s trouble you go to for an experience you can have in mythic difficulty but with less tangible rewards. In BFA heroic raiding for many guilds wasn’t a proper target, it was something they either mucked about in, or they stormed through.

I think if you make it so only mythic raiding is “worth doing” in terms of gear, you kill interest for a lot of raiders whom don’t see themselves as hardcore, but game for a challenge. They associate mythic with a level they don’t play at, and heroic is a lot of effort for something you can achieve with less effort in mythics. Far better to invest your time in mythic+, and just breeze the raid casually, rather than make heroic your whole game plan.

I guess we’ll see. I think more people will raid as a result, and I think this increase will be greater than the amount who drop doing mythic+

Well the thing is. That for BfA, I had 2 mains. Mage - raiding main, does m+ just for the weekly, rogue: M+ main, didnt raid at all(well unless you count the mindless raden spam for the weps haha).

This system pretty much forces my rogue to raid if i want to stay competitive. Will be the same story with the pvp guys(only they have it worse).
MUST RAID to be able to do higher m+ keys…



I understand it will affect a few players but in my eyes its a good thing, raids should hold the high tier loot not dungeons that are farmable. Sorry :frowning:

Hence why I dislike the “raid or die philosophy”. If you do high ranking pvp, you should get the gear there, if you do m+ then m+, if raids then raids…obviously.

Yet the raid has some kind of “I must be the king of all!” complex…

Edit: And this coming from a raider as well. I play WoW purely for the raiding. The introduction of m+ just gave me something else to do on non-raid days.


Have you ever pugged a raid? :rofl:

Encouraging more players to see that side of the game will honestly damage the game more then ever do good.

Try joining a HC Nzoth pug before we all now wildly out gearing him u weren’t ever clearing him with 99% of the pug groups available.

As I say. I will try going for HC raid pugs and see how it goes, if it don’t work out maybe it’s time to accept I’m prolly not the audience their targeting with these changes and move on 🤷🤷