Raid or DIE again

So for the 3 ilvl difference, you are going to raid?

Weekly cache rewards are higher than HC level loot. So pretty soon that outweighs the raiding part.

Full 210 ilvl vs full ilvl 213 will come down to just something like 0.2% of dps. (If at all)
Which is only something the most experienced and skilled players will ever make use of.

Many people are leaving dps and performance on the table regardless of their itemlvl.
The same fact holds true for racials, top end players totally minmax with it.
But the average joe doesnt benefit all that much.

People are seriously overreacting and making a major issue of something so small.

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Really? Then I don’t see an issue here. I assumed weekly will give lower gear than heroic.

Good change, the loot coming from spammable M+ was idiotic. The weekly chest will still have Mythic raid quality.

There is no issue at all.

The only change is a drop in ilvl at the end of dungeon chest.
Currently m+12 or higher grants equally or better ilvl loot than HC raiding.

Shadowlands end of dungeon chest from 14 and on i believe will reward 210 ilvl vs the 213 ilvl from the HC raid.

Which makes perfect sense.
I can spam M+14s for a day and be ilvl ~210ish.
And when raiding it will take a few resets atleast to get to an equal ilvl combined with some M+ drops.

So people are simply overreacting


Pug raid is a nightmare. If i ever will be raiding again, never ever come back to pug raiding. Everytime you need to boost someone, players with curve have no clue what to do and have gray logs, 1/3-2/3 of the raid kiss the flor with their faces 90% of the raid boss fight - this is casual HC raid. And then they said that HC raid is harder than 15 key… :roll_eyes: People just join, AFK and get loot.

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I suppose it depends on your team, but to me heroic raids is on line with normal raids compared to +15. If that makes any sense. I’ve barely ran mythics though.

not surprising .

raidiing has been dead for years now so they desperately try to revive it by killing other parts of game.

effect will be milions of people leaving game.

gg Ion .


Where do you get this from? Looks pretty active to me, and most raiding, seems to run mythic+ too.

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I wouldn’t really call raiding dead.

I think the problem is people who can’t guild raid will generally decline raiding because how bad pug raiding is

Mythic+ comes with its flaws in the pug world. But wasting 20 minutes because some rage quit will always be the better evil then wiping to a boss for 3 hours.

Theyre killing m+ because it’s the primary thing generating the quantities of loot in the game. They also want to stop the gear trading stuff going on to try and slow down players progress in raids.

The problem is not the loot or ilevel.

The problem is once again ion is mistaking the behaviour of the playerbase with this assumption of “people will keep playing the content they love to play.”… and it’s not true

No ones gonna do m+ without a reason to do it. Regardless if it’s enjoyable or not. They will go push power in the relevant content

This expansion has gone so far over the edge in the opposite direction I don’t know what they are expecting.

Can they not go in a direction without taking it to a whole new level of over the top?.

They did borrowed power fine. Then BFA took it over the edge.

They did RNG Oki so legion took it over the edge.

They got gear to a decent place, so Legion took it over the edge.

They’re now reversing all of this with shadowlands. And again taking it over the edge.

Sometimes it’s Oki to look down and see the cliff and stop moving -.-

It maybe fine it maybe not. I guess it will depend of we see another fight like Nzoth where pugs legit cannot get past it lol.


I really don’t get that. So the high iLvL gear is just some kind of trophy? Is that what this entire discussion is about? People want higher iLvL to “prove” they are better at the game than others? So when Blizzard did this change it proved to all raiders that they are “better” than m+ players.
Shouldn’t it be that you get gear to do content instead of doing content to get gear? That’s how I understood progression. Normal raid gives you gear to do heroic raid, heroic raid gives you gear to do mythic raid. Gear shouldn’t be about people’s egos IMO. That’s what titles, achievements, mounts and transmogs should be for.


you will still get the same ilvl as the regular mythic raid bosses from the weekly M+15

Yeah, i am not so worried about the new situation. The only problem might be s1, where we need an initial gear-up, so we can get into the higher M+ levels. And with less loot from dungeons itself that road will take a lot longer.

It’s liliith, you’re better off ignoring him/her.

This seems consistent with Blizzards obsession with increasing the /playedtime.
I feel bad for anyone hardcore enough that they feel they have to have up to 4 of a class on different covenants


Gear is reward not just a tool. If players can get their rewards from esyer content than they will do easyer content. Just becouse you see 0,01% of guilds do mythic for compettive reasons doesnt mean anything. Raiding guilds would die if 5mans will have same itemlvl loot.

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Why Blizzard and Ion hate us ? I was hyped by shadowlands, I just lost the urge to play it.
I can feel like the raid sets coming next raid to bury us.

Our content only allows us to search gears of MM once a week, wasn’t that already an advantage of the raid?
The HM raid is the old NM raid, it is worthless why sanctify it?

We have a bit of BIS in raid, so even players only playing in MM + sometimes do raids.

I hate what you do, and I think Shadowlands will be one of the shorter expansions I play.

Crafted gear looks pretty good, but might be a little expensive.

You are now feeling what PVPers have been feeling for the last two expansions.

(This is not to say that what they are doing is good.)


Do you rember expansions where dungeons were literaly nothing but steping point into raiding? Those expansions had highest playersbase this game ever had so i am pretty sure game will be fine.

To someone who doesn’t enjoy raiding, this has ruined the exp for me. I am in a small guild of friends that enjoy running mythic+ to gear up, we also enjoy helping random people in the mythic plus system that might be struggling. Really not sure how much I will play this exp now, regret the preorder.