Raid or DIE again

you’re delusional to think that was the reason wow had so many players. Wow had so many players in the past because it was legit the ONLY real top end MMORPG on the market, nothing more.

m+15 should reward heroic ilvl loot. No reason for it no too considering 1 item per run. Weekly chest isnt an excuse anymore as raiders now get a weekly chest too.


Agree with this. M+ is a good addition in and of itself. It did harm raiding somewhat by converting a fair number of players who were raiding before to doing mostly M+, but that just shows that raiding isn’t a terribly great game mode. Blizzard were right to add M+, if they didn’t do it, the game would have lost players. (Now, they could do much better and add M+ with their own rating system instead of this RIO BS, but that’s a different story.)


Raiding is a horrendous end game content that can be cleared with no more dedication than raid logging 2 or 3 times a week for 2-3 hours a time. Can confirm as some guildies do this. They’ll be outgearing me who runs m+ a decent amount and puts way more time into wow than them.

Not that i begrudge them for that at all. Thats their way of playing. My m+ hasnt hampered their raid progress at all


Yeah great way to kill off remaining guilds and entire raiding scene.

Why are you telling me about a time of 10 years ago, the way of consuming and appreciating have changed. Otherwise everyone would have stop retail for classic.

Today, MM + is popular, and has become an important center for many players. Many players are there only or mainly for MM +.
Why do you think Legion was such a popular expansion? Because you can farm infinite AP ? lol…


Correct me if im wrong but hasnt the raid scene survived extremely well over Legion and BFA with m+ being in the game and giving the same rewards? Or are you going with the whole ‘huuur durr m+ is bad’ to be edgy and to argue with people?

No they didnt. Players are act and want exact same things as 15y ago. Its game what changed not players.

And mythic+ becomed popular becouse its esyer to do than raiding you know path of least resitance.

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M+ is actually harder than heroic raiding.


Ehmm no it isnt.

:clown_face: :clown_face:

Gaming has changed in the last 15 years. Alot. Why do you think league of legends (100m weekly players) and fortnight easily 100m+ players) are the biggest games in the world? Jump in, play abit, jump out. quick, easy to set up game modes which is same as m+


Stop talking nonsense about what you think about things plz.

We took away the ability to raid HM at 10 (the real HM)

Not everyone has the courage, the patience, the time, the desire to raid MM 20-man. We are not all unemployed to spam recruitment in / 2

They created a content of 5, which is just accommodating for a lot of people, that’s all.

We can’t talk to you, you’re a raider extremist.

Yes game has changed some for better some for worse but players did not. Players still want same things as they did 15y ago.

Smashing 3 buttons, sometimes move in and out. No healing challenge anywhere outside of Maut. Utility buttons do not work, or a not doing anything. Do a gimmick dance and you finish heroic. Even Nzoth has no healing requirement, only a weird dance.

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By the seer popularity of m+ you are incorrect

Thats your problem not game. If you dont ahve time and do what it takes to earn top gear than you simply dont deserver it. This is just another “give me this powerfull gear but without me actualy putting in effort” nothing els.

Ok and logistical and social difficulty? Ofc those you will ignore as most of you becouse you have absolutly no clue what it actualy takes to run 20 man mythic guild and raid.

You know MMORPG difficulty isnt just game mechanics.

Where is the talk needed about mythic raid? The ‘problem’ is M+ max level is below HEROIC raid ilvl.

For the record; i raidleaded myself. Normal and heroic, so not mythic. But whatever. you know nothing about me, so keep your assumpions in your mouth.

M+ became popular because it can be as challenging as raids yet much easier to compose a group for. Runs don’t have to be scheduled in advance, etc. It was a good addition.

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My god, you are so boring.

I have time to play, no time to do social assistance to recruit 24 hours a day and fill in the gaps because tomorrow Jean has a barbecue, Roxane has a cinema, and Robert is ill.

If you don’t understand that, I can’t help you.

Its same for heroic guilds and pugs. Its much harder to create heroic raid, deal with all the social problems connected to it then create 5 man group and run 1 30 minute dungeon.