Raid or DIE again

And thats your problem. People what find that time to actualy do mythic raiding deserve to have better rewards.


No its popular beocuse its path of least resitance.

You can carry people in raid, in MM + above 20, if a guy is bad, you might not even finish your key.

The more you talk, the more we see that you donā€™t know anything about MM +


But these social problems are the bad side of the game. Why are you praising them? They are explicitly bad. Nobody wants to schedule their life around an in-game activity. Itā€™s just that before M+, people had no choice but do that because raids (of high enough level) require that. But that doesnā€™t make it good, it remains bad, itā€™s just that people tolerated that.

You are talking about these social difficulties like they are some virtue - they are not, they are and have always been an obstacle that detracted from the actual gameplay, detracted from skill, etc.

it is not even hard. Just make a post on LFG-raid in discord and let people press role emojiā€™s.

Ouch ouch ouch what hardā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Nothing aboce +15 isnt balanced anymore. Game stopes working above 15 in terms of balance. It kinda makes sense that in infite scaling systems you will run our of numbers. But nothing above +15 is not intededed difficulty.

Only shows you never actualy tryed to create your own raid group.

But i did. So you know nothing.

You just have to ignore him, what he says doesnā€™t make sense, he just wants to put people down without having a real argument

He is not able to understand that in MM raid, they already have the advantage of receiving gear higher compared to MM + players at the end of the dungeon, who will have to wait until the week to get a gear (which he may also have).

And that we are just talking about the fact that a +15 should be rewarded in the same way as an HM raid, or more.

I gave you argument. Mythic+15 is easyer than heroic and mythic raiding so it wont be rewarding same loot.

Easier socially or mechanically? It seems you have been saying that it is easier socially. That would be correct, but then the extra reward should also be social. Ie, you can have some title.


Donā€™t speak about MM+, you just disassembled for 20 min that you know nothing about it, and you continue with your ā€œ15 easier than the HMā€ Thatā€™s not an argument, itā€™s what you think.

Nope you just run out of your own arguments againts this nothing els.

From what I read in that article you can complete +14 (not even timed?) and get mythic raid loot in a chest. That seem an even better deal than BFA.

one item a week from the chestā€¦ 4 a monthā€¦ lower than heroic for completing a dung.

Its a way worse deal than in BFA.


No you get a random Mythic Dungeon loot item.

Semantics. The ilvl is the same as the loot dropping from first 8 bosses of mythic raid.

That is not semantics. On average raid loot is way better than a random item from the dungeon loot table. I know, i know. there are some exception items from dungeons. But the chance is like 0% you get that from that random weekly chest.


They already said their coming back in ,:rofl::rofl::rofl: