Raid or DIE again

Why are you speaking to him like that?

Is he not a person?


Just to play the same back to you

If raiders dont want to do M+

And M+ Players dont want to raid

Who would suffer or be upset if:

Raid gear was best for raiding and had BIS gear drops for raiding

M+ gear was best for M+ content and had BIS gear drops for M+


I called him pretty, is that an insult?

I actually respect Psjohly so stop looking for issues were there are none.

I used your logic there.

Indeed. Same as with raiding. Except the raid has no healing challenges or dps checks or a timer or very well coordination needed. M+ scales into 1 shots even. Way way way harder.

And you do it again.

If you are jesting, I have no way to know in advance.

Agree to disagree, assembling 20+ people with more than 2 brain cells between them is harder than just having 5 people, it may not be time but some weeks you may not make any progress so in the end you leave with nothing until the following week, mythic plus is farmable you can do it as long as you want and you will get gear/currency for it everytime.

As I mentioned in an earlier post if they made it so you could only do one of each dungeon once a week and dropped the loot chance by a large portion it would probably then be on more fair terms as raiding.

Yes they do?


Ok. I give you Maut. But we are talking heroic raid here. So there are basically none.

 have not seen carapace, nzoth or vexionna go bad, have you :smiley:

So you’re saying raid healers have it easy, and passing dps checks doesnt happen in raids?


Well, that is not the dps check or hps check. That is doing the dance wrong. Nzoth heroic needs 2 healers doing 40k hps.

You can’t have 40k avarage dps and not wipe on nzoth hc, you will fail on psychus.

Wrong there’s timers and DPS checks.

DPS checks fall in line with enrage timers which also count as timers, once that boss enrages the chances of the raid surviving are very slim.

I started raiding in Nyalotha again, so it can be very wrong for the previous 3 other raids. But damn, Nyalotha was stupid easy for myself as a healer. My goodness. No words for it.

Nyalotha was easy in comparison to previous raids but it still takes alot more co ordination and team work to get through that raid than it does to do a mythic plus.

HPS i said.

You also said DPS.

In nya it is do it or wipe, so high hps doesn’t matter as much it seems. Unless you run 2 heals for 20 people.

Sure Dps and hps

i dont think i am that far off with that 40k number.

That’s 10 man though <.<

I am running in dungeons on 5 man way more :thinking: This log is me in dungeon gear. I do not even have raid gear.

Now also watch the dps.

Maut is the only fun stuff in there. For a short moment, but it is fun.