So in Legion you at Blizzard stated “play what content you like and we will make the game feel rewarding”
With the current gear change to M+ for SL we are back into the old “play what contect we would like you to play to make the game feel rewarding”
I will not dive into the moral and very subjective discussion of “what is real endgame PVE content and who should be allowed to have end game top tier BIS items”
I will simply state that it is my impression that the player base is split like this (and here I am just pulling numbers out of my A…)
60% do Raid PVE as endgame and their main content
20% do M+ PVE as endgame and their main content
20% do PVP as endgame and their main content
The player base consist of X amount of players whom pay 13EUR pr. month to play
Seen from a business perspective keeping as close to 100% of the player base content will equal keeping close to 100% of that X amount times 13 EUR pr. month + services bought etc.
So since I do belive that M+ player base, who are only doing M+ as the only content they play are rather large (and again this is not a religious discussion if Raiders dislike having to do M+ or M+ having to do Raids etc). I am simply stating that why not just make all happy?
The obvious question that begs to be asked is
Who would lose if M+, PVP and Raidig just had its own stats or a similar solution (like Ressilience on PVP gear back in the days not good in Raiding) make something similar for M+ and bring back resilliance to PVP?
Then player who only do PVP can PVP in their own end gear
M+ can do M+ at equal playing field competing against other who see M+ as end game
and Raiders can raid HC and Mythic without feeling forced into M+
The reason M+ has become my end game content (besides that fact that I really like it and enjoy it) is that when you started playing WOW in 2005 I was young and had time to raid 6/7 days pr. week
Now I have 2 kids, full time job, wife, Social events, school events you name it, and I can put in game time mostly 1 hour at the time often 2-3 hours pr. day, but split into 3x1 hour
This mean that I still play around 3X1X7 hours of WOW around 20 hours of WOW pr. week on average which is mosy likely the same if not more than an average raider, I am just not able to put them in at 20.00-23.00 on specific Raid days each week.
But in the current state of the game and now even more in SL with this comming change to gear in M+ I will just not be able to put out the same DPS/Tanking/Healing in M+ as those who can put in the same amount of hours raiding, but in longer session
And does that seem like a good customer experience to you - putting in the same (if not more) amount of hours into the game (+paying the same price), but because you cannot put them in at certain times of the day in certain lenght sessions you are to be less able to play at M+20 keys?
So to sum up this long rant
- Why not just keep all customers happy since they pay the same subscription price
- Who would lose anything from keeping all customers happy?