My point there being that curve gives a better mount, costs less and can be boosted real quick. So it’s going to skew the numbers though it’s very hard to say by how much.
How is that information gathered how was it gathered because here is the thing if you can know this you can know the player base down to the Exact number and people even at wowhead has said many times they do not have the possibility to find that out.
No but people do and it is very easy to manipulate data.
Or not have the right data
looks like its time to become one of those degenerate players in battlegrounds who show up with no gear just to be floored by mythic geared players cause thats how its going to be for the majority of patches since the options from the vault are going to be a joke anyway.
The fact that not only the item level but the amount of loot being distributed has been neutered just shows that the game is being fleshed out for purely raiders by this point.
Wowhead data is definetly not that reliable when it comes to things like that. For example their own website states that 12% of profiles have all +15 on time, but only 1% of profiles have the awakened mindborer.
On the same hand they state that 35% of profiles have ahead of the curve but only 4% have the uncorrupted voidwing.
Though I would still expect more people to have curve than keystone master. That worm mount ist just ugly.
Id assume the same way that rio gets its m+ run data. From Blizzards API
Blizzard doesn’t have an api like that. Would make it real easy to calculate player numbers then. I think Wowhead takes the data from their own profiles. So you need to have a wowhead account to be counted in that.
So you do not know and if it is gathered the same way as there item and creature data it is based on people having an account with them and either updating it for character stuff or at least having the wowhead addon. That addon could scan people you inspected.
If it is based on the same way RiO gets there info then they have no idea what char goes to what account.
I did not know that Madorin good to know.
Rio takes all the info directly from the Armory API.
Only thing that rio does is reward a score to each run
depending on the time you got with said run.
You can literally find your own group on the armory in the leaderboards, yet it is clumsy to navigate and badly designed.
Regardless it would not matter in this case as even if they could do that they would have no idea what char fits with what account.
Yeah I know that Blizzard has several APIs.
What I meant is there is no API to tell you how many or how many % of people have an item or mount. That would make their efforts of keeping player numbers secret pretty pointless.
I am not here to question that, i was simply clarifying the fact how rio gets its data.
But even the numbers dont tell the whole story because many people completed +15s but didnt bother doing all of them.
So just checking for Curve and keystone master doesnt work either. regardless of how that data is gathered
I am actually wondering how rio is doing this stuff
I did the raid on this char. My other healer got the 0/12H but also AOTC on the raiderio page
My dps char doesnt;
While that dps char did EP heroic, and AOTC showed up on this hpala page without any boss killed in the raid.
Weird stuff It does not rook reliable.
Did you properly link all chars?
No i have no account on rio.
This discussion is also not only about 3 item levels
It is also the BFA issue that M+ BIS items
are from raiding only HC or Mythic raiding regardless
In my personal case it meant 3 Azarite pieces, Raeden trinket and 2x2H sword drom Nzoth as the ONLY 2H weapon with Crit/Haste drops from the end boss of raiding
Are you talking to Cheerleader?
The guy with 3k raiderio?
So you did not answer my question, but acted like a prick instead? Let me repeat that.
Did you tell that guy that has been grinding down mythic + his BiS list, as if he is not painfully aware of it?
Believe it or not, I don’t - why would I?
The way I read his post he was saying what he can milk from the raid itself, not from m+
You don’t really understand what Raid or Die is otherwise you wouldn’t give this BS.
There is comparable gear to raids, even better than lfr, and normal raidgear and nearly as good as heroic.
Whats the point of heroic raid if you can just do 5mans? You can still outgear normal and lfr with infinit grind and you get weekly great gear from it above heroic. But ye guess its raid or die. And you wonder why blizzard cant take 99% of feedback serious. You dont want to give feedback to make the game better u want to give feedback to have the game your way doesnt matter if its worse as long as it fits your needs.
Cut of BS is not BiS for top warriors for some time though, according to logs they get the Nzoth sword and strip it from TD, or run a version of TD.
It is BiS in PvP for sure.