Raid or DIE again

Why you guys whine about nothing?
Normal M+ gear remains on a char for 3-4 weeks in the beginning of the season.
Why we have to make that an issue?
Then Mythic gear takes place and weekly cache loot.

But i guess some people just wanna whine regardless what the reason is.

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The whole point seems to be to stop trading heroic loot.

So after they killed pvp they are now trying to kill m+ too? First reduced loot, then possible chance to get duplicate in great vault (weekly chest) and now, even max level of m+ is below hc raid. Dont get me wrong, i dont wanna sound like a doomsayer, but this looks pretty terible, u spend 30+ mins (on start of season even hour because of wipes) in m15, to get 1(!) item per 5 people and still lower than HC


+15 is no joke early in the patch.
don’t compare it to current situation where people have full corruptions, cloaks, necks, azerite traits, grinded out sockets etc.
just because it’s very easy now doesn’t mean it will be that easy in Shadowlands, especially early on.


Players who would run M+ to get heroic-level gear before the raid would still run the M+s to gear up in preparation.

IMHO the goal is more to prevent split-runs to be able to trade HC gear right out of the box and definitely a step in the right direction at that.

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repeating m+ for end of dungeon rewards were never there to replace mythic raid rewards
 If all you do is run +2s, +7s, +10s or +15s, eventually you are going to reach the point where you won’t be getting any upgrades because you’re already decked out with gear that has the same ilvl or higher. I don’t see how this is an issue.

Yes but then also make +20s drop mythic level loot gear, the last 2 bosses ilevel.

what is this???
there is still the chest of dissapointment in SL???
:-1: :-1: :-1:

the duplicate was an unintended thing and was going to get fixed, mentioned by Ion himself.

Ye imagine Blizzard realizing what worked in first expansions vs now. Raids should always be superior since it’s argubly the most annoying content to pass (forming a raid + guild + all the absurd lobbying that comes with it VS inviting high raiderio players to get a +15 done).

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Well thats mew for me, and thats good, at least something, but still, rest stays

Also if this was to prevent loot trading, why not just disable loot trading in the first 3 weeks? Problem solved. Or if you need to lower the item level, lower it by 1.

This will hut badly the high end key pushers, since they need to enter raid to get even 3 i lvl better gears.

I hate people with this close minded mentality. WoW should be about doing what you enjoy. I enjoy doing a +15 more than I enjoy killing HC N’Zoth.

A +15 is more difficult than HC N’Zoth anyway.

One M+ encounter is equal to one raid boss. A +15 encounter is both more time consuming and harder than an HC boss and should reward better gear. You can down HC N’Zoth in 3 mins, you need around 30 mins for a +15.

It’s a silly change that feels like it was made on a biased decision.


You will still get gear that is the equivalent ilvl to mythic raid gear from your weekly cache.

Harder content = better rewards what exactly is problem?

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Yes. That’s one reason. But just like i said. The gear being weaker since it’s infinitely repeatable is a valid reason too. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, It’s justified.

blizzard won’t do that, because they don’t want to create a meta for players. And when keys go to 20 or above, Meta forms. Classes become weaker, and some become the requirement.

Blizz really doesn’t like this kind of thought process. So, as valid as allowing 20’s to give better gear is, they won’t do it. And i think, it’s kind of for the best.

Gear inflation is a serious problem in wow. Less high lvl gear, the better.

You can legit afk in a hc pug and still get loot.

Source: Afk died on purpose on Eternal Palace HC a year ago so I could go eat. In the end I got a 440 warforged bis weapon. Oh how challenging it was!

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So, repeatable content gives 3 ilvl lower loot than heroic raid (which is barely more than nothing) and the weekly vault still gives mythic raid ilvl loot where you get to choose from multiple options.

When i read the title i thought m+15 will give normal raid ilvl gear and the weekly will give heroic raid ilvl gear. But this is pretty far away from raid or die.

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You can pay a m+ team gold and get boosted for free loot.