I’m starting to think it’s not all that great that he plays the game…
You can do the same with MYTHIC raids. Touche.
Because everything you get from heroic raid is better now. Before m+ was on par so you’d still farm pieces actively. M+ is pointless, that means no more key nights with the boys. No more active guilds outaide of raid nights. It’s literally log on for raid night, see you in a week guys! On par with classic wow. Other then to push keys for funsies and get nothing from it.
No one in their right minds gonna farm 10x 15 keys over doing a 2 hour raid for alts. You’ll be adding 10+ hours a week to get lower rewards from weekly if you play a few charas. It’s jist made m+ absolutely pointless outside of the first 2 weeks.
Loot tradings gonna be far harder, as m+ gear is irelevant if you heroic raid. The whole things just pointless and a waste of time lol.
And you get free mythic gear in your weekly cache because of that m+ boost. Touche.
You instead get a very rare mount and sometimes even a title.
If you are being boosted the difficulty of the content is irrelevant: you are not the one dealing with it.
The most annoying thing is all the good legendary effects are locked behind the raid.
So if you dont raid, you cant get good legendaries.
And if it was better or on par with HC gear, then whats the point of doing HC raids if you have this gearing option that isn’t limited to once a week?
You are admiting here raiding is a chore? Yeah I agree. I also dislike raiding and would rather do content that I enjoy.
Because heroic raid last 2 bosses is higher. And raid trinkets/weapons/ confirmed set pieces returning later in the expansion… less loot from m+ and a better way of loot trading. There’s tons of reasons you’d heroic raid if it was on par. There’s 0 reason you’ll do m+ with it lower ilvl.
They’ve just killed quild activity, and how lively ys guild will be outside of raid night.
Because raids are fun. I think I overgeared HC raids a few weeks after they opened and still did them with my guild for fun. Sometimes I even did the raids being loot-locked.
Yes, and before you can get the full mythic raid gear, the content already over.
They are most probably available in LFR, so np.
Ah yes, just get them 1 month after raiders can get them, because screw anyone who isnt a raider right?
Can’t really see the difference with essences in BfA. There are multiple sources of legendaries, so it’s not like having 1 or 2 coming from raids is a problem.
We’re not talking 1 or 2.
Check Wowhead, like 50% of legendaries come from the raid.
And they purposefully locked throughput ones behind the final 2 bosses.
You really comparing 3 hours a night, on 2-3 days a week as a chore, but ten or more +15’s a day as not?
Because raiding is the harder content and rewards better gear if you beat it.
What, you get like 0-1 items from the last 2 bosses every week, 2 if you’re lucky. And the weekly from a dungeon is higher than those 2 bosses, which are also weekly?
Is it really over if you’re still getting potential upgrades from weekly caches (which dare I say again, is iLvL 226, same as mythic raid loot)?
raid should not be only source of best gear
I barely unlocked flying cause I hated world quests = chores for me. I much prefer doing something that is fun in a video game for me (pvp and sometimes mplus) than some wATChEr dev forcing mandatory content down my throat every xpac.