Raid or DIE again

just let +20 to be same item level and gg

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And it isn’t. Your weekly cache from a +14 is 226 ilvl, same as mythic raid.

Well, it’s not if we consider legendaries and weekly cache.

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so they will trade less but the boosted man will still have a drop chance

well doing just for weekly chest is really boring

They won’t be able to trade at all if they are not fully decked in heroic+ gear. The whole point for the 3 ilvl difference imo is to stop running split runs on the day the raid opens.

This is entirely dependent on the person.

I literally cant sit in 1 instance for 3 hour and just wipe on 1 boss several days a week. My ADD acts up, i get jittery, i get bored, i just can not do it. Hence i don’t raid, because i dont have the attention span for it.

Arena and M+, i love, because it’s short burst of focus and concentration, i love M+ and Arena.

Some people may hate M+ or Arena because they find it too much of a ‘‘rush’’ or that its too hectic, and thats fine, theres raids for those people.

But why should EVERYTHING revolve around raiding when there right now are 3 main ways of playing the game?

There is M+, Raids, and Arena as end game playstyles. Surely they should all be catered to equally. Not everyone can or wants to raid.


but why?
i am a mythic+ player and dont give a single Willy about method echo whatever split runs…
they exist in their reality - i am in my own.
why blizzard wants to annoy me for their sake?

and what about last 2 bosses? if last 2 bosses gives more gear than doing +20 should give gear like that mythic

This makes the most sense tbh. Nothing they’ve done so far has managed to stop that practice.

Because raiding is currently the hardest content, and the hardest content gives the best rewards. Of course the content that requires 20 raiders to communicate and min max will be the best over a +15 Pug.

Well you’re going to reach that point eventually if all you do is pushing keys, and the only upgrades remaining is weekly.

they will never stop it. The top guilds will ALWAYS find a way to abuse it to gear their mains as much as possible before the raid release. Stop punishing everyone else for the actions of probably 1000 or so people that are rushing for WF.


I think people doing +30 M+ keys and people pushing 3k rating in arena would hard disagree but whatever

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Its only 2 last bosses on mythic :wink: you really don’t need it to be competitive in m+ or PvP. Its only 7il difference and you got like 1-2 items max?

People pushing +30’s aren’t doing it for gear at that point. More of a prestige thing.

With less loot dropping as well it will make it more punishing. I agree though, the R2WF will always find a way even if it requires a crazy amount of gametime.

Well yeah, because Blizzard neglects the content. There should be rewards for higher keys than 15, and there should be more rewards than just a 2400 tabard and a title at the end of the season for PvP

But Blizzard doesnt care, because again they only give support and love to raiders

We talk about mythic raiding not about heroic.

I’m sorry but some people don’t want to or can’t raid.

They should make a vendor that sells the items. You would earn the currency… you choose one way to grind it from the start.

Mythic+ raid or PvP. Amounts earned could be tweaked to reflect repeatable activities or a weekly cap.

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You cant justifi mythic level rewards for dungeons. Running mythic guild is fare harder logisticaly and socialy than doing 5 man dungeons. If you would make rewards same itemlvl. Raiding would die. Becouse you know path of least resitance.

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