Raid or DIE again

If you think forcing metas, and dictating the way they should play is support and love then alright :smiley:

Lower M+ gear means that M+ higher keys will be dominated by mythic raiders. Which is not always the case currently.

Unless this is just about boss drops and not the chest.

Any of you who said doing 10 +15s per week was fine ready to eat your words yet?

Ah well, with that Iā€™m going back to not using the forums anymore.

They can make it drop from pet battles for all I care, but the design teamā€™s ideas are pretty much the same in BfA and SL - different activities drop different rewards.

This is why I wont play Shadowlands at releaseā€¦ they will stick fix after fix onto systems - messing people around until they finally settle on what works.

Youā€™re going into a new expac as beta testers and thatā€™s the reality of it.


Yet theyā€™re punishing the rest of us with lower ilvl gear bcoz ā€˜WF raiders are abusing split heroic runsā€™.

Now this info is datamined. It might not be correct. It might only be for the first 2/3 weeks till mythic raid is open. But why build m+ up as an ALTERNATIVE to heroic raid gearing (to my mind it has always given heroic ilvl gear at end of run then mythic or just under mythic gear in the weekly) to then throw it in the dumpster and FORCE people into raid?

Maybe they have metrics for BFA that say that raiding is no longer done by the majority to gear up, that people do m+ more BECAUSE THEY ENJOY IT and they dont like it being this way. Raiding should not be the only way to gear to a certain level (i say heroic as mythic raid is above and beyond what the normal person does imo).

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The gear that is 3 iLvL lower than HC raiding is from end of dungeon rewards. +14 Weekly cache is still mythic gear

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Ah ok. then scrap my post. In this case things are still in order. Then I see no issue :slight_smile:

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You donā€™t have to be a raider to clear a normal raid with pugs in a few hours. Itā€™s really not that high requirement for a legendary item. If anything, itā€™s pretty low.

Just to play devilā€™s advocate maybe they are listening to raiders who say they are forced into mythic plus (beyond having to do a weekly) when they donā€™t really want to do the content.


I guess youā€™re not that far from the truth. I doubt any world first raider would enjoy grinding m+ to get gear instead of wiping on the next boss and ironing the mechanics.

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Several times weā€™ve seen teams go grind Mythic Plus during the R2WF because theyā€™ve hit a wall.

god forbid they listen to anyone else bar raidersā€¦

PVPers have, for the most part, been ignored the whole of BFA. M+ players are now been shafted. Why do raiders get preferential treatment?

Also heroic nyalotha = +m+ at key level 11 -13. Cant see how raiders were ā€˜forcedā€™ into m+ when raid trinkets/weps were BIS for most specs and the last 2 bosses gave 470ilvl for heroic.


Iā€™m still hoping theyā€™ll do something good for PvPers. We shall see, the vendor came back but itā€™s not really back in a meaningful way at present.


Iā€™m pretty sure they were stacking certain classes to funnel gear into a spec that was needed on a specific fight.

Yes I agree.

PvP really needs to be sorted out, many are losing their patience with it.

I wonder if Blizz were to make true pvp servers where you couldnā€™t do anything but level, and participate in pvp activities, where all mythic+ and endgame raids were removed, making PvP gearing easier to implement because pve gear would be taken out of the equationā€¦ I just wonder if pvp players would like that?

More pvp content could be added also, it could give another angle to play WoW much like Classic has.


Yes, as far as I remember, Method switched to rogue alts on Zul, but had to farm mythic+ for 2 days or something like that.

subtlety rogue were nutty during zul

Some guilds also paid multiboxers of the same class to do it.

completing a +20 is harder than hc or even mythic tbh