Raid or DIE again

but there is no and has never been any reason to do a +20

If you are doing m+ for gear, you only need a 15… which is far easier than mythic raiding

why cry that raids gives more ilev if they arent even going to raid? is it because they are afraid other people will outgear them? that other people are better than them?(people who raid and M+)

It’s always about everything giving equal gear.

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I dislike this change and hope it’s reversed before release tbh. Think they did a similar U-turn in season 4?

I can’t care less. it is almost on ilvl with heroic, and we still can get mythic raid ilvl from our weekly vault. Now with even 3 options instead of only 1. It is still more potential also than s1-3 in bfa, where we got below mythic raid ilvl from the weekly chest.

They’ll probably bump ilvl after the wf race is over.

dying from laughter
So much fuss about 3 ilvls? xDD Hahahaha Pls say you’re not serious on this one xD


well and top of that last 2 bosses are giving more item level than anywhere else , that is not fair , it should be scaled down in mythic + or give +20 for weekly max loot

With every change to m+ loot system since BfA was released, I found myself progressively doing less and less m+ runs to the point of only doing one weekly +15 run and even doing that begrudgingly. When in fact, I used to love spamming keys in Legion to 20’s and above.

I’m saying this from a perspective of someone who only pugs without comms and is basically doing every key with different unknown people each time which is a unique challenge in itself (compared to having a tightly knit guild group).
And I loved the fact that in Legion every such run there was a tiny chance I could get a gear upgrade and try to push myself even further.

So I don’t like this change. I don’t like raids, I don’t like too much organized stuff in video games and I find it fun to run sometimes chaotic pug runs and be justly rewarded for when that goes well.

This, together with some other changes regarding m+ in Shadowlands, might just be enough to push me away from playing SL for a longer period of time.

Why not at least give some extra item levels to loot from runs that are timed?


To my knowledge that’s never been done. I could be wrong ofc.

This change is a bad change for people like me who do way more M+ than raids due to IRL stuff, and one of that’s hard to understand IMO. Yes, week chest will be better due to choosing drops (to some extent) but first weeks will be harder for those not raiding as much.

@Blizzard: is there a reason why you create so much content in the game, which is then creating multiple communities (pvp, m+, raiding, …) of people who enjoy that particular type of play and then you make the rewards one one better than the others?

I mean: There is a very simple mechanic on how you can limit people getting gear in m+ so they don’t spam it.

Example: For PvP there is already such a distinction with the rating system, which is only logical. However, M+ is quite a big community on its own, but this doesn’t exist yet? If the spamming of M+ is the thing you fear, there is an easy solution: for all m+ keys that are above 15, you can choose which end chest you open. If you do, there are no more dungeon chests available to you that week. But item level wise are on par with mythic raiding. Finished a +18? You can choose not to open it because you hope to finish a +19 later. If you do, you won’t get the reward from the +19 you might do later.

Several people (including me) do not have the time to clear raids and gear our characters. We’re certainly able to, we’ve been playing this game for years. We’re able to perform decently in higher m+ keys, but due to these loot restrictions we get held back from our full potential. If I had known this, I might not even have bought the expansion… You can’t claim you diversify a game and then provide different levels of rewards for what you think is the hardest content in the game. PvP, M+ and raiding are completely different in that regard and I do not understand why the loot system always favors raiders. You effectively discredit other play types by doing this…


Or you could be kicked out of the group before being able to open it :slight_smile:

As someone who loves raiding and loves doing m+ I just feel like from a myhtic+ perspective you are once again being done over.

The only reason to do more than one 15+ key is to get more choice from the weekly chest. But there is no incentive for me to progress more because even if I do a 20+ in time all I get is 200 RIO score and loot that is below heroic raid gear.

At least give me some cosmetic or additional seasonal reward for pushing high keys. I dont understand why mythic+ progression stops at 15+…



I don’t get why if I do a 20+ in time it’s gear is still gonna be worse than heroic raiding.

Very good change.Getting Mythic ilvl item off weekly cache is more than enough for M+ players(they got now 3 choices and most of the time will be upgrade for them).Minigame shouldnt reward higher than HC raiding loot…Good job Blizzard,for once you make a good change!

So playing multiple specs as you’re going to fall behind big time between DPS and Tank due to legendary crafting material caps, is a terrible idea. I can’t play Vengeance in M+ and Havoc in Raid, because my havoc spec would fall behind. Okay, then I’ll play MM hunter for raiding.

Oh wait, they don’t want me to do that either, because if I do this, my tank will fall behind big time because I won’t even be able to get heroic loot because a +15 (which is harder than heroic raiding) gives not only less drops, also lower ilvl than heroic raiding…

Blizzard better fix this.

Personally I think it’s a good change, I never saw the point in “facerolling”* content to get gear above HC or on-par with Mythic item lvl.
It sucks for the dungeon lovers, but sometimes it be like that.

*Based on the balancing in NYA content patch 8.3.x.

Ahh so you’re the :clown_face: who posted the same thing on wowhead.

m+ is not a minigame.

a +15 should reward the same as heroic raid. People thinking a heroic raid is easier than a +15 arent doing either of them.

it is not any good job it is just destroying game

I get your sarcasm here, but I’m in the same boat except totally serious and zero sarcasm. This is how things should be.