Raider. io is making me unsubscribe

yeah I agree, Im on ravecrest and its pretty much busiest alliance server and requires 10-11 keys to get into data.
even tho I dont personally feel the issue, it would be nice to have all runs recorded. but its something blizzard should work on, since they’re the ones showing only top 500 runs.

overall I do feel like its a great system tho. and personally I’ve never been not accepeted on keys below 11 and rarely below 13.

You can look up a person on check-pvp . fr to see their historical maximum and how they did in previous seasons for which there are achievements implemented in the game, but not much else. But again, nothing else really would be relevant, because of how pvp plays. For example, a rogue-mage-healer team will most often do a lot less overall damage than a cleave or a wizardcleave, but they will win many of those games, because their strategy is to create kill opportunities by cross controlling two enemy players while focusing the third, and thats when they blow everything, and if the enemy team survives, they will turtle and avoid damage as much as possible instead of focusing on doing damage, until the diminishing returns on CC reset and their cooldowns are ready again so they can do another attempt. Logs wouldn’t be able to show any of that.

Edit: can’t post links apparently, so it’s (check-pvp dot fr).

Sorry; that was not remotely implied in the OP; you chose to speculate that as the motive for this thread.

So is that of my ‘playing Main’… :slight_smile:

The easiest work around (for me) is to put the quote in the reply box. Highlight it, then use the </> button. It makes the links appear but not be clickable, so people can at least copy paste them into their browsers.

And thanks for the rest of the reply. Makes sense that would be useful data.

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The problem is that while third-party advise like this is available, it has an infinite variety of ways to be used; many of which will not be what the initiators intended.

No level playing field will ever come from using third-party sources, so those who advocate not wishing to inflict their (potential) ineptitude on others (I count myself among their number) are best to steer clear of those who will only ever see it as such… leave those who aspire to greatness to stab each other in the back & watch from afar…

Communities quoted as a vehicle of assistance are all well meant, but they too only serve as a meeting ground for with the potential to actively exclude, if the Community hierarchy isn’t policed to maintain its’ ethos.

I don’t really push keys but it does irk me that when we boosted a friend through a KR+10 we did it on time and that never got recorded on my raider io because the leaderboard was full xD. I rarely set foot in there. Hate the place.

KR and Underrot are the reason Im only 1.2k rio LMAO

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I don’t even have a 1k score because I really don’t care. It would be 1k if more of the runs we did had been recorded but most of the time we are just doing it for the chest with various alt combinations. I don’t think I’ve done a single push this expansion.

I really don’t mind either of those. The annoying part in KR is groups wiping and still refusing (read ignoring it) to let me CC undead mobs (one of the rare times priests can actually CC).

yeah I used to push at the start with friends, but at that time +10 was “sumting”. but my friends quit so I’ve been sitting on 1.2k for a month now I think. plus I enjoy selling keys more than pushing if my friends are excluded :smiley:

I love taking control of undeads and making them my pets!
DK > priest :stuck_out_tongue:

If what I wrote offended someone their fault I did not wrote anything insulting,rude, aggressive and it is not assuming I know his experience gear skill people like him are … Because they do not want to play,be with themselves with guys with same attitude,skill,gear now they’re crying since no one will carry them so much too hard for them to realize they hate themselves and want to be carried so hard it is disgusting.

Someone been watching/like Under Siege films? :stuck_out_tongue:

We had a leader in our group, in tos ( i dont remember key level but should be +9 or not 10.) when we pulled galvaz 3rd boss. He pulled the mob that is outside , he went there like on purpose to pull. Then we wiped at tyran bolster week of with galvaz. We lost 2-3 minutes and our passion. Then dk tank made very small pulls at eye of seth section. You know what that ( leader of group and key holder) mage that wiped us left the group before last boss , just after we put the eyes. Because it would not be timed.

I went off topic a bot. But your problem is not rio. Your problem is bad players .in atal dazar 0, princess boss on left took us 6 minutes to kill, because tank was tanking boss in middle, we did not have enough stun to kill add in time. Add soaked 1-2 pools everytime. Retard healer was blaming retard tank , but he was soaking red pools very early also. So there was maube only 2 pools instead of 5. Boss healed up to full hp 3-4 times. I started explaining to tank and stupid healer the tactics , stopped dps( on pally alt) . Then everyone did their job. We could kill in 6.30 or so. In this run there was no rio req since it is 0. In summary , your problems are game knowledge , not rio problem.

You have to be an a-hole in order to survive in today’s world.

If you’re chummy and nice everyone will use you and abuse you for their own gains.

And as such, You too should develop an attitude and join the club of “elitists” and ask for “better” players so you can get carried, than play with people that will waste your time whilst “TRYING THEIR BEST”.

If your best is not good enough, then you really shouldn’t be wasting the other 4 people’s time.

If you can’t drive, don’t apply for a Cab driver as a choice of profession - just an example.


Collecting as much information about the people who wants to join you when you push keys is essential. And it is completely fair.

I’m so honest with myself that I know right now I got nothing to do in high keys. I did them before but I have no hardware or connection (700-15kms) to play anymore so I don’t complain about not getting invited. I don’t try to join and get upset if no one wants me. If what you have done is transparent, there is only one to get invited into high key pugs (apart from not playing a unpopular class), and that is to do it the hard but thorough way.
Obviously people are biased and that may be against you sometimes and other times it may benefit you. Move on.

M+ should be competing with yourself.

True. I wouldn’t invite a ret either lol. Looks like ret’s reputation is going back to what it was in vanilla days, people think you’re trolling or just stupid playing one. I guess Blizzard are too incompetent to get it right, this spec is either trash or god mode, a never ending cycle. That’s the sad reality of ret.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out i guess.

You can argue all you want about r. io showing skill/experience or not, but at the end of the day a 2k player will always outperform a 1.5 or 1k player on average. And thats why its a useful tool.

If you dont like it you are probably at the bottom of it and just dont get to benefit from it. Once you start doing your own groups and push for higher keys you will quickly learn the value of such tools and why they are mandatory.

But i guess complaining on the forums is the easier way out.

And a honest question to everyone ranting about r. io not showing skill/xp, what else do you propose? ilvl? achievment points? battle pet ranking? If you dont have a better alternative r. io will be here to stay.
It is currently the best method to evaluate someones experience in Dungeons in a acceptable timeframe.
If people like OP think he will get more invites if r. io gets shut down i can do nothing but cry at his naivety. Such people dont get filtered because of evil toxic scores which are entirely objective btw. They get filtered because people dont want them. r. io or not wont change that, then he will be declined by other means.

Looking for others on your level with the same or equal experience is not toxic or elitist. People trying to get into groups they dont meet the requirements for but still demanding a spot are. Full on parasite lifestyle.
There are people that want to improve like several Learning-by-doing-communitys and i guess the calm keystone community and then there are others who think they should be able to force others to play with them or even expect a free carry. OP is defenitely the latter and a textbook example why r. io is working as intended.


Well if you read for example why i think it does not represent who is good or not you would know. Ofc this does not apply to top mythic teams/players but majority who is “pushing” keys.
They boost they rating when its easy week. Do +15’s and when it’s hard week to push they struggle to do 12.
They should count in affixes also and not just how high key has been done.

Its not perfect and never will be.

But its better than nothing, without it right class with right spec with highest ilvl will be the pick everytime.

Personally I dont use it, but if I’m picking up a random for m+ I do look you up in wowprogress or (if the point is to make the dungoen in time).

An like legion lot of dungoen few wanna do.

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I hitted 700 yesterday, last week I was fighting to get 6’es done for a 600 score, and before that 3-5 keys. But I am still the same player. When I hit 1000 I am still the same player. The number does not make me better. You are just 1 player of 5 in a group. You can try to talk but make them do what you expect/want/assume is almost impossible.