Raidfinder too easy!

But removing LFR is removing content for a lot of players.

Agree. Content is not always new models, zones, raids, dungeons… Content is anothey way to spend time in game.

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I do not agree with removing LFR, taking away content from other players. Nothing you have said justifies the removal of LFR. Removing LFR will not make game better but it will stop people from having access to the full storylines/getting to experience raiding. Forcing people to pug will mean many will go without.

Blizzard isn’t going to shoot itself in the foot and actively try to reduce it’s playerbase by removing LFR. Everything they’ve done over few expansions is to make the game more accessible. To offer both easy and hard difficulties, both random matchmade (LFR/LFD) and organised groups (PuGs/Guilds/Communities).

Being an MVP does not rob me of the ability to have an opinion so I really don’t understand why that is even relevant.


I dont want lfr be removed. I dont want to raid with pugs cuz i dont have time but i wanna see the content. You remove lfr? Ill never raid normal. I just dont raid. So less content for me. Ofc i speak for myself.


It used to be that the experience of a raid was the bosses, killing them, the feeling of doing something that feels rewarding, but i guess raids these days are defined by…what exactly?

Also, ever since the changed difficulties in WoW, the current normal difficulty is by all definition the “tourist” mode LFR and normal are interchangeable these days.

Seriously, remove LFR and keep Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. 4 difficulties is redundant anyways.

Totally disrespectfull for the communities (failtrain, calmkeystones, etc) who are now in for 2 evenings a week and not have seen jaina yet. And totally understandable LFR players do not want to get in that hassle.

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Why does LFR have to be the one to suffer? If anything were to go it would need to be one of the PuG formats.

I am not advocating the removal of any content but to pick on the one everyone can access is just wrong in my opinion.

Yes 4 are top much. But a lf version need to exist. Just to appease we, noobs that dont have time to wait for a pug to be formed.
And Will to fight the hardmode. Imho lfr could have 0 reward. But need to exists

“LFR is the tourist mode, and can’t really be called raiding. It’s a glorified loot pinata that rewards players for minimum effort or no effort at all.”

I’d hardly call 370 gear a reward. Like, what are you really going to do with it.

I don’t see how normal is inaccessible to players, i’m sorry but you really don’t need a bunch of experience to join a normal pug and a normal raid (full clear) doesn’t take much more time than a full LFR clear.

Ok you dont get it what punyelf is tryin to tell. Scroll to her 1st or 2nd post.

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Normal took me 12 hours of pugging, and the last 2 needed a group of 386+ ilvl requirement (and still wiped 6 times), thank you very much.


You’re free to call it what ever you want, it’s still gear and dropped from an extremely easy difficulty.

I’ve done BoD normal full clears now on 2 chars each did not take more than 2.5 hours, not saying you are lying, but that’s an outlier.

Sure, but lower gear than emmisaries.

yes so you are just a very very good players. again, communities like failtrain and calmkeystones are now 12 hours in (2 evenings a week), and just reached blockade. Not sure why you consider or mentioning I am lying about that.

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  • only requirement is max level character and basic ilvl requirement
  • join queue done
  • broken into bitesize wings
  • easy mechanics that don’t require huge coordination (gain determination on wipes)
  • rewards low level loot


  • requires over inflated ilvs, achievements, must sign over first born child
  • requires repeatedly applying to multiple groups in LFM tool
  • is an entire raid which requires lots of time, very hard to leave and pick up later, no guarantee you can find another group at point you need, will probably require repeating certain bosses, taking even more time
  • mechanics will require some coordination and prior knowledge, if you anger leader or other players you will often find yourself on the receiving end of abuse or just removed
  • rewards slightly higher loot

LFR anyone can get into. Pugs are a whole different kettle of fish. Pugs are not friendly environments, especially for more inexperienced players. They certainly aren’t good for those who are pushed for time. There is no system in place if groups struggle to get a boss down.


I’m one person, in a raid of maybe…20-25 people, i have no idea what those communites are but the weekly normal BoD clears do not take upwards of 10-12 hours, do you seriously believe that’s the norm? that’s why i said your example is an outlier.

You are a mythic raider. So you get in groups with higher ilvl and play with higher people. Not sure you are the norm.


Got a 400 ilevel from my Warfront yesterday, I stood AFK in the main base most of the time. Massive effort indeed for the gear.