Raidfinder too easy!

I did create my own group. I leaded for 7/9 in my normal run. It is damn hard and it takes forever to make a group, and fill again after wipes. I do not think this is for everyone.

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Probably not enough :stuck_out_tongue:

I just often find that in these discussions the fronts are so firm in their belief that they are right (shock on the internet I know) that often times the legitimately good points on either side of the arguments get lost under a pile of insults and repeats, which is quite the shame.

I type too fast, that’s one of my problems. I tend to have replied before I’ve really thought something through. Especially when people just rabbit on about the same boring rubbish that they usually do.

That is unfortunately a legit strategy in a discussion, you can make the other side look bad by provoking them. If you just say something the right way it will piss people of and they will fire back without thinking much of it and likely make themselves look bad without you having to do any good points, I am guilty of falling for that myself, pretty sure everyone has been at some point.

It is difficult to resist but often times you can point it out when you notice it and either they see reason and dial back to a reasonable level of discussion or they make themselves look like a fool, both good options for you :slight_smile:



Stated again: NO! STOP SAYING THAT!
Here, read my post again, you obviously didn’t read or understand it, or both.

Read it. But whether you understand it or not after that, understand this:
DO NOT tell people to watch a video instead of PLAYING A GAME to see the content (even if it’s ‘only’ the story - see the post I linked again) they want to see and/or experience. It’s insulting, shortsighted and, here comes that word again, stupid.

What you say is true, but there is another option;
Perfect the art of baiting. Hide it well, adhering to the forum rules, so that you cannot be called out on it.

I may or may not do that sometimes, often or never. :sunglasses::innocent:

You want to do the raid for the story? then do normal, it’s not much more difficult, it’s way more engaging, way more rewarding and you actually have alot more impact in a raid, whereas in a lfr you can stand there and auto attack bosses.

and that’s why LFR=watch the video, because that’s the exact same level of input one has

I would never have touched this thread if it was MOP or Dragon soul tier, but there is no arguement for LFR anymore, none, the existance of flex just eradicates it.

Players feel way more immersed and have way more impact in a raiding setting that actually has them performing on a certain level, this doesn’t mean doing tons of mechanics with specific tactics with organized guilds and voice coms.

No it means not watching netflix on another monitor while being able to stand there and auto attack a boss.

I usually believe LFR was the most hated difficulty but this thread makes it seem like normal is haha.

It would have been insulting and shortsighted if flex raiding didn’t exist but again, LFR has no reason to exist anymore, it’s actually pointless.

It’s not like they are ever going to remove LFR no matter how much a couple of people REE on the forums. Blizz have the stats on how many people take part in LFR. It’s got a huge take up.


I was posting on my main, but since my LFR-hero time was in legion on this char, i just leave this here. See the development of a new player in WoW. I dare everyone to mouseover my LFR numbers :stuck_out_tongue:

I rerolled somewhere halfway season 1.

It’s funny actually I wasn’t around when Cata introduced the first LFR. I was on a long break during cata and came back for MoP so I never got to clock off LFR DS. It annoys me so much that it just wont clock off for me, no matter how many times I’ve run it since :laughing:

It just sits there taunting me.

I. Am. Done. With. You.

It’s like talking to a wall.

Goodbye :wave:

Who here is going to start the
‘Mythic raiding is too difficult!’ - they should remove it



Celadina did it :slight_smile:

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I’m not going to fly to Mars. No one should even be allowed to fly to the Moon because it somehow affects those who choose to fly to Mars just by being easier to achieve. Going by some of the comments, you’d think narcissism was a class.

There kind of was one but the people against LFR got rather nasty and it has gone now.


Ah that explains the 404 as I hit the reply button over there. The words toxic, raiding and irony are just floating around my head now lol

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but is weird. wasnt that bad. i saw more toxic threads lately

Sadly when people have to resort to petty insults and put downs to get their point across, discussions rarely last long :frowning:

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It’s worth running for satchels, crystals and runes (as long as it’s not Ghuun) even after you complete the mog farming which is what I’m mostly after. Also pretty much the only way to see the raid while it’s new if you don’t have a guild and play alone