Rampage Achievement (part of Tower Ranger)

I’ve been giving attempts to complete the “Rampage” achievement (part of Master of Torment → Tower Ranger) to get the “Back from the Beyond” meta achiev.

I’ve attempted this on serveral days, with different instances (Skoldus Halls, Fractured Chambers…), went to the point I had 10 stacks and held those stacks for more than 30 consecutive seconds (had a timer next to me to check if I had held it for at least 30sec) but eventhough I did every steps properly, and completeled the floors, nothing poped.

As recommended, I went on various community websites such as WoWhead and even asked friends, to see if I was doing something wrong, but apparently, I did everything properly but still the achiev didn’t pop.

Tried to open a ticket with customer service that awared me a lame automated response at first, I reopened the ticket asking that the matter was handled by an actual human being and not a lame a*s lazy AI that wouldn’t understand the meaning of the issue and wouldn’t be able to provide a solution (since the automated response wasn’t helpful at all since it recommended steps I had already did)

Couple of days later, GM told me that sadly, the only way for this to be solved was to open a bug, so here I am.

Looking at it, it seems I’m not the only one with the issue since there is a similar topic on the US forum (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/“rampage”-achievement-can’t-obtain/1849633) on which I can’t post since I’m in EU, so here is a ticket for the EU people.

For some reason, this topic has been posted from an alt but I did attempt this on my main which is a lvl 70 Warlock

Hey Hellspàwn,

While our developers are unaware of any active bug for this achievement at the moment, it does look like many other players are reporting an issue with it.

Please do make sure that you’ve reported it to our developers if you haven’t already, and they’ll have a look at it. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Bug has been submitted through the in-game system

i have same issue, i reported too…but i must say…the response in these cases are kinda lame…we expected more not ( report and bye). Blizz should change the policy on this matter and give a proper solution…

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"Avenge Me! and “Rampage” achievements have STILL not been fixed yet for over a month according to reports and https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/358494. People have been waiting for what feels like forever to finish this meta achievement (which takes at least 1-2x months to do from start to finish) and they still can’t because of these two achievements.

I get that 90% of players don’t like the Shadowlands expansion enough to bother doing meta achieves from there but for the few that just want it ticked off their list, can you please, for goodness’ sake, fix this?

I believe we may have had another thread about this issue, but we’ll use this one for now.

Both bugs have been bugged since my last response (i.e. our developers received the reports, confirmed that these achievements are bugged, and are working on a fix). Please keep an eye out on our hotfixes and patch notes blogs to see when they’re fixed. :pray:

As always, thank you for your patience, it’s much appreciated!

I think that you folded a Technical Support thread about these Torghast achievements into my 10.2.7 Guild Achievement Broken thread.

Although I suspect that they might share a root cause in the 10.2.7 coding, strictly speaking the Torghast achievement problems are not guild-related achievement problems so I don’t know if you want to keep folding them into my thread or to keep them separate and fold Mutio’s thread here into Agastaroth’s thread instead of mine?

Whichever, thanks for keeping on top of these unresolved 10.2.7 issues and keeping us updated. It is very much appreciated.

Avenge me! and Rampage achievements bugged in Torghast. These two achievements are part of Master of Torment, which is required for the Back from the Beyond meta achievement. This issue has been around for more than a month and still hasn’t been resolved. Any news on this?


I don’t know how long you need guys to fix this bug.
This is really annoying,
please feed us back,

Best solution would be to just remove these two achievements from the criteria and award the meta achieve to ppl who did the rest. Don’t understand why Blizzard chooses to be so lazy.

Ant news? We have not heard from Blizzard yet!

Some fixes are planned for the pre-patch, which is coming soon. :slight_smile:

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Tried doing it today after the pre-patch, still broken.

Looks like it’s currently set to be fixed in patch 11.0.2, which should be the next patch. Sorry for the delay.


hey, there are alot of bugs that have been fixed today but I’m still trying to do this achievement and it’s still not working. How is that possible? Blizzard did fix alot of bugs but not this one? for real?

If you open the Battle.net application, under the PLAY button, you can see the current game version. This bug is set to be fixed in patch 11.0.2.

and when will that version be on the live?

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Currently the Shadowlands meta-achievement “Back from the Beyond”, which many players have spend several hundred hours on, cannot be completed because the Hunt-events in The Maw, which are required for the achievement “Hunting Party” which is part of the meta-achievement, are bugged.

When you travel to the designated Hunt-area nothing happens. The event does not trigger. You’re not given any objective and there’s nothing to kill or collect. The same is true for the “Tormenters of Torghast”-events. Strangely, the addon RareScanner keeps finding “Control Bunny” where the events should be.

When I ask in general chat in The Maw, everyone else seems to encounter the same problem, the problem has also been reported several times on these forums, and I have submitted several ingame bug reports.

The achievement “Rampage” in Torghast, which is also part of the meta-achievement, is also currently bugged, but a Blizzard representative has confirmed here on the forums that this bug is due to be fixed with the launch of The War Within.

Can a Blizzard representative please confirm that you are aware of the bugged Hunt-events and inform us when it is due to be fixed? Unfortunately, some bugs have been in the game for several years, and for players who have spent hundreds of hours on the meta-achievement it is extremely frustrating to not know if it will take years until we’ll be able to complete it.

Please communicate with us. Thank you.

EDIT: I just completed the “Hunt: Winged Soul Eaters”. When I got to the area I got an objective, exactly as you would expect. I used the hooks on the shade beasts, killed the boss and completed the hunt. This did NOT happen when I tried doing “Hunt: Death Elementals”. When I got to the area, nothing happened. I don’t know if Blizzard fixed the entire thing or if specific hunts are bugged?

it’s not written that it’s solved