Rate that name!

Hmm dwarf your name suits more a Dragon! 5/10.

Good name for an elf , not perfect but good .


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I like it epic orc name 8/10!

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Solid point, elfie

Spreads his wings and flies away back to Ebonhorn and the black dragonflight

If I could read it I would rate it 0/10

It’s no wonder you complained here recently that there is no more common courtesy to you in dungeons and noone replies to your hello :slight_smile:

I give you -10/10, cause I don’t like you either

I never said I didn’t like you. You asked for you name to be read and rated and I can’t read it so it can’t be rated by myself. I wasn’t being rude and I am courtious on this occasion I was just being honest, sorry if you took it the wrong way.

You just copied GoT name, buddy.

Sorry, but that’s just 1/10 for me, nothing unique, nothing original about it…

There’s no Mellisandrae in Got, there is a missandei but that’s about it I think.

Quite right Mon I likes the name but tis a mouthful 9/10

Yes, sure :smirk:. You made this name just by yourself :smirk:… (Melisandre, the Red Priestess) Try to be a bit original next time, buddy :wink:.

So your assuming I’ve watched GoT??.. OK I have but I didn’t name this character after anyone on it lol honest just a coincidence a really weird one now I think about it I got the inspiration from my friends name Melanie back in draenor.

Any who I think we’ve un intentionally hijacked the post shall we just carry the post on as normal.

Next poster just rate from Yulbrenner please :blush:

Yes, sure. It’s all one coincidence :smirk:

Well, You’re the one who’s trying to desperately deffending himself, despite the fact, that it’s kind of oblivious where the truth lies, so :smile:

Omg honest dude got had nothing to do with my name, just like I doubt league of legends had anythi g to do with yours.

Yes, sure, it surely “does not” have to do anything with copying GoT names. Stop it already, please :laughing:

Sure thing Mr league of legends :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Finally, thank You :pray:!

Another dragon name like the Dwarf couple of pages before! 5/10

Another wannabe skinny elf name, like thousands before (boring) :zzz:.


Also, if You’re trying to pointing on me, You’re wrong here, buddy. It has nothing to do with dragons.
It’s a combination of Asian language and beginning of my name is actually from the name of my race, Draenei (Draenei > Drenai > Dre > Drekhan) :exploding_head:.

Ye, I know, impressive, right :sunglasses:? First one was actually Drekhai, which I will one day use on one of my alts (if I will have any), but then I changed it to this.

7/10, lacks some double letters, like Drekhaan :smiley:

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