8/10 Nice name for a Paladin, maybe more for Human, but it’s okay
8/10. It works for an elf.
Pretty sure your toon is older then Legion, so you didnt just rip Azuna.
Its a cool, feminine name. 8/10.
Your names really original but I just can’t help but think of murlocs when I read it lol 8/10
fitting name for a Draenei 8/10!
I like it. 8/10. Extra points for being a Draenei.
Somewhere between a Diablo angel and Tolkien. Not quite 100% sure it fits any player character, but on the whole pleasing. 8/10.
A Friday? Sir and/or ma’am, I am drinking after work (a few hours after work) right now! I also try to be nice to people who talk to me. Except on forums. I’m a devil on forums
Thanks, I love how you used the term TE
Verngard is a great name and suitable one for human paladin as well!
Anyway I use this name on many different platforms for my game accounts, I chose VE because of the whole Thalassian elves situation
Well, in Tolkien’s universe it sounds how many English speakers would pronounce Tauriel, who is from the films, but the name mean Daughter of the Woods/Forest anyway, which would be suitable for Silvan elf.
Not so much for a Draenei, I always imagine at least one doubled vowel like my pala Alaara . It still sounds nice though.
Double l is there because I want the name to be pronounced Vælir not Væilir
Btw your name is nice and very dragon like, do you RP as one?
A fellow void elf, good sounding name maybe one to many L’s but still sounds good. 7/10
getting kalecgos vibes, 6/10
I always imagine Pikachu, when I see your name 9/10
You are a samurai of the old ages,right?
Sounds like an elf, i like it! 10/10
Perfect Draenei name! 10/10 just weird decision for monk class
Well yeah.
I like the name pretty elfish. 10/10
Perfect name for a night elf 10/10
Hmm. Is nice but also has “yas” on the end which just makes me think NefarYAAAAAAAS. Unsure if this is a good or bad thing so 9/10
a lil hard to pronounce, but overall its a nice one ill go with 9/10.
p.s you sound extra german