Rate the name of the person above you! #8

Two guesses who... he's played by Mel Gibson.
But I guess Wallace is a decent name for a human. Alicia is simple but it works. Would imagine a banshee or a val'kyr being called that but that might be my undead fanboyism speaking.
Anyway, 10/10. Can't find a fault with it.

Wralaktyr is a zandalari. He was referred to as Wral by his friends when he still had friends.
That's a veeery odd name, even for a troll
I'm gonna give it 3/10 sadly. It can 'work' but, eh. seems like a long shot

Name's CRUSH
Crush- makes sense for an Orc but lacking a bit in imagination. I say 5/10.
I don't think it fits female undead 4/10

There's nothing wrong with it, but nothing that really stands out to me either. It's decent and fits the race, but it doesn't jump out the page at me.

My name is Clarinne Wakefield.
Very human. Also fits a paladin. A very solid 9/10.

I am Bao Mudclaw. Fat and humble.
Bao sounds fine. Mudclaw sounds like he had a really hard time with it in school. I can't pinpoint what's wrong with it but it sounds weird.
But it looks and feels like pandaren. So sure, I'll give it a 9/10.

Lytandrah Starwing.

Sidenote: she hates it if she is called by surname. She also usually adds "of the illidari" to the end.
Sounds like a mouthful, a very elven mouthful, fitting never the less however.
Full marks for creativity I guess.

Ravencroft Ironhoof a name given by the birds who were present at my birth and were the first to bring gifts.
Ravencroft strikes me as a more Human last name rather than a Tauren first. The Ironhoof is pretty good though.


Nendrovus Delvano! Conjuration Curator! Illusionist Incredible! Enchanting Extraordinaire! And purveyor of the finest magic on Azeroth!

You have to say the whole thing.

Ok not really.
Not sure why but i like it quite a lot 8/10

I'm the Reaper of Souls
Sorry but that's a title, not a name.
No points. Will keep track and edit if you give me a name.

Raltar Riversong of the Rivermane tribe, second son of Tiaguff Riversong.
Love the name, you truly have a name worthy of the Highmountain Tauren!

Talion White, the Altruistic fighter.
The name sounds simple, easy to pronounce. quite unique and I really like the title suits your character. so 10/10.

Zalvux dreadhand
If an evil wizard is the role you were going for, then you nailed it.
Zalvux sounds like a perfectly villainous name! I would give it a 9/10, the 'U' in Zalvux is the only part I find slightly unusual, but that's purely personal preference!

Arynnon Shadowthorn, Loyal to Illidan Stormrage.
Great name, can't fault it! 10/10

Mae B. Pinchpenny
Sounds like a goblin alright. I'm disappointed I don't get to know what the B stands for though hmph! Anyhow, I can't find any faults in it, rolls nicely and I like it. So I give it a 9/10.

Thumok Frostseeker.

Surname obtained for his knowledge of the mountains of his home and his tactic and talent for sidetracking enemies and leading them astray in the mountains. Either so they get weaked by the cold harsh enviroment or die. He's also a Frostwolf orc so *shrugs*. Dramatic, cliché and related to snow it is!
For a split second when reading that I thought it said "Thurmok Thotseeker". That'd be a pretty dope last name.

But I do like it! Cliche or not it peaks my interest, and that's all I ask for in an RP name! 9/10

Nendrovus Delvano

No real story or goal here. Just something I felt fit his character.
08/05/2018 02:33Posted by Thumok
Sounds like a goblin alright. I'm disappointed I don't get to know what the B stands for though hmph!

(Skip me!)
The B stands for "Bea". ;)
Nendrovus Delvano

Mage of Mystery... you say no real story but everyone has a story. Lucky for you I think your name doth fit your character and I'm sure you a nightborne of very fine character, with an interesting tale or two to tell.

A tortured soul, an outcast to my fellow Night Elves, I wandered in solitude until I heard tell of a band of the blinded like my self. I've remained in their 'dark embrace' ever since.

They named me Demonatrixx. Demonatrixx Sindweller.
I... I actually really like Demonatrixx Sindweller. 8/10. Did you have a not-so-demonlike name in the past?

I am Bardur Hammergrim. Usually just known as "Shep", as I run a ram ranch,