Rate the Rogue Transmog Above You - #3

You look like you’d be a supporting character in a “Steamy romance novel”. 7/10 for the chuckle. :slight_smile:

Trying something different; Goblin Paladin, anyone? :wink:

The colours don’t match hugely well and the weapons look a bit daft on a goblin, a bit too bulky. Still it looks pretty cool. 7/10

I really like the weapons !


I think the green goggles are a bit overused. The ghoul heads on the armor make it look more like a death knight or warlock outfit. It fits together well, though, and the daggers are also cool.

Classic look, but not digging the weapons.

Looks pretty good on a orc female!

It’s a little chaotic, but works nicely enough on an undead - 8/10!

8/10 - Pretty good.

Updated my transmog. Please rate :wink:

Getting some Mileena vibes from MK not my cup of tea though so 4/10

@Rizwann - 2/10, it’s plain bad. And don’t ask us to rate your mog if you decided not to rate ours.

@Shindu - Solid 8.5/10 - Love that black theme. Maybe get matching daggers and it’s gold.

11/10 very nice ^^

I guess you forgot to transmog your new shoulders, so I’m only rating the rest. Looks like a full set, so not really creative and also not the best looking set in game. I’ll give it a 6/10…

Nice looking assassins creed feel. 8/10.

I know mine is a full set, but loving it it with the tusks, and the hidden look artifact.

It does surprisingly enough fit with the tusks, maybe even the weapons. But as said it is a full set, so it would be pointless to talk about the gear pieces fitting together with each other.

7/10 for full set and a neat weapon look

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Perfect look for a Zandalari, can’t fault it! 10/10

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Wait till 8.2 drops :wink:

I like your Tmog. Dont see dresses on rogues everyday plus the Eyepatch, you are a dangerous lady, so Ill give you my 10/10.

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I like everything about this set and the desert feeling of it but i really think that you can do with a more suitable waist as i’m not a big fan of the purple in your comp. 9/10 the daggers are awesome too!

Looks awesome on a velf.
And i realy like those daggers on that set.
A sollid 9.5/10

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Nice! 10\10