Rate the transmog above you šŸ„ƒ

I really like your set man, but the weapons are out of place.
Not sure if itā€™s the armory bug or what, maybe itā€™s not coming through.


Yeah, itā€™s the Stormsteel Dagger. Just buggy on the forums.

Skip me, do Lonarion <3

So nice mog was going to give you 10/10 but your weapon really let it down so im sorry 9/10

Donā€™t like it :/ā€¦ nothing shiny, nothing extra, donā€™t really see a themeā€¦ 3/10 :frowning: :heart:

Strange choice of no top showing looks a bit trampy tbh everything else okish so 6/10

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This seems to be a full pvp set. It looks okay but its a full set(+tabard) with nothing imaginative. 5/10

7/10, nice set, but I will say this, for the love of god, mog a gun or a crossbow, canā€™t imagine that small, compact and robust build of a dwarf being used to string back a bow, but handle the recoil of a deadly blunderbuss :heavy_check_mark:. Oh boi.

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get a new helmet and would be 10/10 until then 9/10 sorry .

Not gonna happen, I love bows too much! :stuck_out_tongue:

Skip me, rate Riverdeep!

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(Riverdeep) Good old Soo mog. I really like how it looks on a Tauren, not seen that before. Got a little green-yellow thing going there with the weapons as well. 8/10.

Haha I feel offended! Someone in game said likewiseā€¦
But Iā€™m really trying to go for the original look of Druid/Nightelf.
Which is:

> https://www.esportswizard.com/wp-content/uploads/Blizzard-Announces-Content-Strategy-WoW-Classic-1024x640.jpg


> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vanilla-wow/images/4/4a/3D-Night_Elf.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150413094421

Where do I find a top like that then?!

Not badā€¦itā€™s like you want the night elf original heritage Armor. A, for effort, I give it a 7/10.

Well, I have 2 mains here 1, the horde DK ( my forum avatar) and the other my in-game alliance main ( that I recently mogged upgraded )

About the blood knight, Iā€™d say 8/10, it looks nice but Iā€™m not sure about the belt, and the boots would exhalt the silhouette more if they were tight, those look like a pair of snowboard shoes.

Whereas the draenei Iā€™d say 7/10, itā€™s pretty classic honestly, but I donā€™t find that shade of yellow to be a good match with the blue skin and the overall draenei theme (it would probably work better on a paler/yellowish skin tho! In that case Iā€™d raise my vote to 8/10).

About my transmog, I know the crossbow sucks, but Iā€™ve been running Gundrak for several weeks in order to replace it. Still havenā€™t managed to do it, itā€™s the last missing piece of this transmog (the Arbalest Crossbow).

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Fan of the grey / blue -thing youā€™ve got going. Could try a full hood on that as well. 8/10.

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To revealing and not fan of contemporary sets.
I rate 7/10

Ik getting a classic like vibe from you. I like your name a lot but thatā€™s not the point.

Itā€™s all a bit too coloury for me and a bit too old school


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Canā€™t go wrong with black leather
8.5 /10 :ok_hand:

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Itā€™s a full set so I canā€™t give points for creativity sadly.
The set itself looks nice though I suppose. The weapon goes with it quite nicely.
6/10 from me bud.

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I like that you tried to make a nice looking mog from that eternal palace shoulders and you achieved something interesting. I dont like that helm ngl with all that heavy pieces you got and belt kinda. Solid 8/10 from me my man.

I like it. Looks good and fits a frost death knight very well. Also, I may be a little bit biased, but I do love the crown. The only think I can think of is that itā€™d perhaps look better with one of the rotten DK skin tones.

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