Rate the transmog above you! V7

Yantus 7/10.

The helm is nice, but it kind of clashes with the rest…also, i would advise on getting a new 2 hander (maybe the polearm from Uldir normal, etc. )

Like the simplicity of your look. Very lightforged themed. 7/10. Less is more.

Boots are off.

8/10. Looks good :slight_smile:

Nice Mogg and nice color combination! :slight_smile:
I think we have a winner! <3

Looking good, the weapon is a bit too high resolution compared to the other pieces, 8/10

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10/10 Friend, you look like a total badass. Love it! :heart:

As for me, here is my hunter’s mog (had to post on my DK because only he has trust level 3 >.<) :

Proper good set indeed, but not full score since it’s easy to use a set like that :slight_smile: 8/10

The whole set-up just looks weird on an Orc, and he’s using a puny sword to boot. I like the helm and the Nighthold set but not combined. Maybe a big@ss spear will get you more points. 6/10

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Simple but nice, the belt sticks a bit out though, and I don’t like the bow with the rest of the set. 6/10 bit I might be harsh/subjective

Personaly I’m not digging the shoulders, but 7/10

What in the hell weapon is that?

I was gonna give this an 8/10 cause it’s pretty orcy but also I feel you could be wearing a bit more but that weapon is so utterly ridiculous and stupid that this gets 11/10. I want to see more Orc smashy smashy with moose antlers.

Haha, thanks. I try to go for a wilderness look, not as much as full out armor bling bling. I always thought that weapon ( trial of Crusader Twin Valk 25man ) looks freaking awesome :slight_smile:

I’m going to give you 10/10 for the looks. Feels like Starcaft Ghost.
Well done.

Best mail chest piece in the game, and omg that weapon 10/10

Love your set! definitely a 10/10 for me

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Sad face / 10

7/10 The armor matches pretty okay, but I don’t like swords on hunter, makes it look more like a warrior :stuck_out_tongue: also I think it would look cool with a dark hood or something, the white hair kind of clashes with the dark theme of the armor.

6/10 Good try, but the mix-and-match doesn’t quite add up. Just switch the shoulders and feet and you’re good to go ^^

7/10 nice , vampire hunty vibes

20/20 for playing Survival.