Hi after nearly 14 years of playing alliance I think it’s time to have a change of heart and swap to the other faction.
I have certain horde characters already ones I created in the past for specific achievements and lore experience but I never fully committed to them.
Now I have gotten quite bored with the alliance and would like to have a more fresher experience among the horde.
I haven’t decided on a realm yet, all I know is that I will be playing a Mag’har orc warrior, as I’m grinding the reputation and I just reached revered.
Here’s some background about me as a person and my experience with the game.
I am 28 and from the Netherlands.
I started playing world of warcraft in 2005 as an Alliance hunter.
I’ve only done a couple of raids back in vanilla such as Onyxia, Molten Core and Zul’gurub. But only a few runs, as it was quite difficult for a 15 year old at that time to participate in any hardcore raid guild.
Naturally I ventured on throughout the Burning Crusade expansion which is still my favorite where I committed to both pvp and pve.
I raided Kharazhan, Magtheridon, Gruul, The eye and I even sat foot in to Black Temple once. And pvp well naturally I enjoyed the then new arena system but never made it past 2100 rating 2v2 as my dedicated partner stopped playing half way through the expansion.
Then Wrath of the lich king went live and I felt less compelled to play. The setting of northrend didn’t apeal to me as much as the previous content did, it felt like I was grinding in Winterspring throughout the entire expansion. So I basically only leveled my night elf hunter and my undead mage to max level at that time and stopped playing half way though the expansion.
A while later Cataclysm came and I like many others were interested in resubbing to the game.
I started playing my hunter again and a warrior, I raided firelands, Black Wing Descent, Dragon Soul normal and heroic and of course Bardin Hold.
I played throughout the entire expansion but mainly pve, I didn’t do arena’s mainly because I couldn’t find a partner dedicated enough to push the envelope.
But than things took for the worse when Mists of Pandaria came out. I bought it played it for a month or 2 and stopped… and resubbed for a month on every new major content update…
It was my least favorite expansion of all. It felt off, it didn’t feel like world of warcraft to me, I didn’t like the monk class nor the new race. They felt out of place to me.
I only did LFR and casual pvp in total I’ve only subbed for 4 months during the expansions lifespan.
Than Warlord of Draenor hit the live servers and like always I did too.
I played both my hunter and warrior again and actually enjoyed raiding High maul both as a dps and tank. Making it all the way up to a full heroic clear as my guild back then didn’t want to raid mythic.
Half way through the expansion Black Rock Foundry got released.
And I did not like it, did not like it one bit.
Least favorite raid content of the expansion.
I did clear it on heroic but it didn’t compel me to go one step beyond and took a break from the game.
Until Hell Fire Citadel went live, it wasn’t the greatest raid but it sure did feel and play a lot better than Foundry did in my opinion. So was back onboard!
I joined a more progressive guild, we cleared normal, heroic and eventually even went in to mythic. clearing 7/13.
But the guild had some leadership issues where some of the officers favored personal loot chance over raid progression and eventually skipped bosses without even beating them once.
Besides that, they were still using the DKP system which was fine at the time, but they didn’t rollback DKP on new raid content releases.
So I was competing against other hunters and shamans that had thousands of points left from doing the previous content months on end. Making it nearly impossible for me to win any DKP bids.
So after clearing 7/13 mythic, the dkp imbalance and the boss skips I dropped out and stopped playing.
Until legion came out.
I was back on the hype train just like everyone else.
Naturally I didn’t like Artifact weapons and AP grinds.
But I did enjoy the overall lore experience and questing.
However raid content and pvp were less interesting than before, or at least in my opinion.
I rolled a ret paladin for legion and only done emerald nightmare normal and Throne of Kil’jaeden heroic and stopped playing.
I came back for the Argus content but only for a month leading up to me cancelling my subscription again.
So that’s basically my history within the game of Wow.
Now BFA is out and I’m still hanging on in there.
I think pvp has improved and I’m enjoying it quite a lot.
As for raid content, I can’t really tell… I haven’t done any raiding yet apart from LFR which gave me a mediocre impression.
But the announcements at Blizzcon this year were quite promising which made me resub again. ( yes, I did quitfor a while mid oktober )
So what am I looking for?
A mature and social guild with activities for both pvp and pve semi-casual during week days, as I spend my weekends with the girlfriend.
So if there’s a loving home that shelters Alliance deserters I’d gladly apply.