Really? More borrowed power now?

imagine being a jewelcrafter and seeing stuff like that show up in the game while the new profession system is active

People are farming that?
I havn’t even touched them, nor will this make me touch them.
Its just uninteresting content.
Invastion 4.0, as dull as the first 3 itterations


At the moment it’s just a Datamine. It really doesn’t mean anything until it’s officially implemented.

what? that’s awesome… it’s like the dinar, for people not pushing high content (for one reason or the other) that was the way of obtaining some really crucial pieces of item from the raid. It was easy to obtain and then trade for the item. It’s not “borrowed power” it’s a catch up mechanic

looks like the system designers needed some work after they removed every system in the game. Maybe it was a bit boring without designing some stupid alt unfriendly borrowed power item.
Here we go again with domination shards/ heart of azeroth essence farming on all our chars.
Addon was fine with only tsets alone and even that wasn’t executed well because of timegating the catalyst. 2 Months after the addon i got my 4 piece :clap: Cant wait for this item

This is my opinion on the matter.


I mean, what did you people expect from a company which for over a decade had pretended to listen to customers. You thought one PR drama will change their decade long tradition of being bad company? :sweat_smile:


says a dude paying to play the game xD you can just stop man… the design currently is great, there are stuff that doesn’t work, but that’s a matter of balancing. Literally everything is made to be fun and engaging, you have to actually work to achieve things and it’s so funny how so many people are QQing cause they aren’t top dps, hps, tank what evs because it became more about skill and less about anything else.

well yeh. but same withj gear etc etc. its just something added realistically.

im hoping its just open world stuff, for open world players… im seeing a Specific slot it fills, and given its not a Season 2 Patch theres no New armour from raids or M+

so im curious if this is just something to do with the open world Primalist armour from storms.

i mean they still have the 1 issue, giving open world players Progression without it levelling uptoo raid / M+ gear… something like these gems would atleast give them something.

I feel like they’d be more helped with more sources of gear they can turn into tier, and more sources of primal chaos to spend or invest into the new profession system.

That would help them more then lets say 1 ring with funny bits in it.

Copium much??? :rofl:

Raids and M+ designed to facilitate irrelevant esport.
Raids and M+ for 3rd party cheating tools like DBM, making skill in many ways irrelevant.
Dungeons turned into cheap, and shallow speed run instances which induce heavy boredom and burnout.
Open world exploration pretty much doesn’t exist.
Open world PVP is dead.
The story is often written on the level of a high school.
Crafting was implemented blindly, making crafting once again quite irrelevant.
etc. etc. etc.

On top of this, now we have a return of what people hated the most in previous expansions :sweat_smile:

But nah, design is great :crazy_face:


Yeaaahhh maybe true for week 1 and 2, after that it really wasnt anymore tbh.

rly doesnt. it just boldens alerts that already exist in the game by adding audio etc etc to them

opinonated… but fair play if u dont like them

Never really has done, Theme park MMORPGS have always done this badly.


its good enough for what its for.

really?.. given several Crafted pieces are BiS?

isnt determned, we just know they’re in data files, however what they’re for, or their purpose to serve is unknown. its Likely a Knee jerk reaction to immediately pressume their borrowed power.

the facts are:

10.0.7 isnt Season 2, so no new dungeons, No new raids. those Gems require a very specific Slot, a Slot which isnt avaliable to said Dungeons or Raid items.

its more likely to be something to progressively upgrade the Primalist sets of gear for open world players then it is going to be something we use.

I.E, maybe trying to give Open world players meaningful progression. which Doesnt step on raiders and M+ Pushers toes.

design is pretty solid, Flawless? No. but pretty solid.

WoW isnt a Story game. it has ALOT of Lore around it, sure. and its got books and More for those into the warcraft universe. however, its been said for quite a while.

Gameplay First.

THe games a Verticle progressive MMORPG, which means its audience are primarily peopel who like loot grinds, those types of players rarely show a Interest in the story simultaniously im afraid.

Nor has it ever been a Sandbox MMORPG either, with the fact WoWs very on Rails (And always has been theres never been a Point where the progressive goal isnt Obvious to the player), it means Exploratino is very limited.

it seems your more unhappy with what WoW Actually is, Rather then unhappy with its Design tbh.


i’d consider it, not as bad if we actually knew what these gems do, they’re dropping in season 1… which means they’re not usuable on any raid or M+ Armour.

while Yes. its vital the playerbase display a Dislike to borrowed power, we dont actually know what it is yet, just there has been Data found for a New Gem Slot.

people seem to forget what borrowed Power realistically is already.

adding a Crafted gem to put in ur gear, Isnt borrowed power.

Levelling a Amulet up via enforced content to be competitive for added “Kit” is borrowed Power. but Yes… if this is gonna be a AP Grind… i would be rather unhappy xD

also, this isnt EU Gamers… this is bnasically every WoW player in the game Right now Angry at this possibility.



If this is borrowed Power. DF Will Drop 5million subs almost immediately xD, its not a case of “EU Gamers” its a Case of the Entire playerbase. im hoping blizzard rly arent this stupid.


They’re angry at every possibility that doesn’t allow enough content for them to live in this game 24/7. It’s weird.

we arent angry at the quantity of content tho? Nor is anyone in this thread.

we’re angry their adding MORE content if anything?

Yeah. Weird

because: Adding bad content is worse then adding no content.

Hence why WoD, is better then Legion, BFA and SL.

because, no content > Bad Content.


As if Elemental amulet is BIS… XD

Legion was really only bad if you just cared for min maxing AP… >.>

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