Really? More borrowed power now?

It seems like we have many players who already know how it is going to be implemented, so blizzard remove it the big bois talked.

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This could all be crafted by JCs for all we know

AP Was never the issue in Legion.

Legendaries were.

AP was farmable in all content, no matter what u did it was a easy progression. it didnt rly hold any fault nor forced u to d oanything.

Legendaries forced u to do everything.

MDI is a seasonal event, and every raid has its own event, so no, not just a week or two.
On top of that, time, doesn’t change the fact, that the game is designed and balanced around those esport events.

There is a vast difference between watching for one specific visual effect among a tone of spells, and someone literally shouting in your ear what is going on, and what exactly you need to do.
There is even greater difference between learning all the spells, and the attack patters, and not needing to learn anything, because add-on LITERALLY tells you what is going to happen.

DBM is literally a cheating tool.

It has nothing to do with what I like.
Dungeons are literally turned into speedrun competition. That’s an objective fact.

The argument is that WoW doesn’t have decent open world exploration, not whether other MMO’s done it correctly. You are literally doing straw man argument, and trying to prove that w/e happens in WoW is fine, because others also didn’t do it well.

I guess you couldn’t figure out how to deflect, and BS your way through this one, ey?

What does it even mean?
We pay 130+ euro per year for this game to deliver good content.
If people wanted stupid writing, they would go read free fan fiction for an actual high schooler.

Crafting isn’t just to make a few BiS items.
You clearly are as clueless as devs who have been ruining this game for last 10 years.

We’ve been trough this with other borrowed powers and similar systems.
People always rationalized it by arguing that it’s just something people data mined, and then w/e was data mined turned to be EXACTLY what it looked like.

There is nothing solid about a game which constantly bleeds players, or often functions in a weird limbo of stagnation.

You’re a joke XD

The fundamental part of the game upon everything is built is the story, not to mention that you literally contradiction yourself, by delusionally arguing that it’s not a story game, but then admitting that it has a lot of lore (which is what story is), that is has books, etc. LOL

What is WoW is determined by how it’s being designed :rofl:

Bro, quit making opinions, and arguing, because you fail miserably.

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it also makes food, Potions, Enchants, armour, which is all Demanded and useful in every part of the game.

opinons cant fail. nor can they be miserable.

Opinons are opinons, u got yours i got mine.

only one here, looking silly is urself, U can express ur opnions or demands for a “good game” onto others. u can simply say what u do and dont like… and from there either leave or stay.

That’s just absolute minimum functionality.
There is more to crafting in an RPG than just superficial minimum tasks.

No one said they can.
You clearly also fail at reading.

I would argue that your dishonest, delusional, contradicting, or even down right false opinions are the silliest thing here :rofl:

I disagree that you need DBM for most things atm, the biggest issue with dungeon bosses weren’t their mechanics, those so far have been easy provided you can see the swirlies, some dungeons had some issues there but dbm wasn’t going to save you with that and nor is it going to save you if content is just straight up overtuned.

Only done council on normal with the RP guild I’m in (we’ve gone in one evening) and all it took was one dude just taking 3 minutes to explain how it works, again 0 dbm required.

idk about the later bosses but so far I have seen 0 where I feel like yeah DBM would’ve helped/saved me there.

As for the open world exploration, whats there to explore? what would you like to see? its the open world, eventually you’re going to have seen all of it most likely sooner then later lets be real here thats always been the case.

Crafting being irrelevant is honestly a max goof take to me.
Crafting gear is pretty powerfull and it even lets you easily set your stats, recrafts costs no sparks nor primal chaos, just alloys which are easy to make. I swap my stats out on my own crafted gear constantly to rebalance my stats for this reason when I end up overbudgeted into something because of a new item.
Yeah sure 4 of the like what 18 slots need to be reserved for tier slots but those 14 remaining slots give you plenty of breathing space.

Its fine if you’re gonna say you don’t like the crafting system but irrelevant? nah m8, far from.

Yea the ring is a scare moment and don’t get me wrong I’m looking at that thing with cautious eyes/thousand yard stare but the rest of DF so far has been all in all a massive improvement on all the borrowed power included expacs so far.

I didn’t say we do.

You mentioned it as a factor tho, the addon itself, even claim its a cheaters addon (?)
Yeah people can download DBM but do they really need it?
Imo no so that was a non issue is what I was trying to say.

The issue with domination shards was that you had to raid to get the gear. There’s nothing to indicate that this is a raid piece, and it would make no sense for it to come from raid when it’s being introduced mid way through a major patch. It’s far more likely to be a new crafted item.

Yes, I’ve said that it has functionality of a cheating software, because it does, but it doesn’t imply that we need it for everything, even tho we do need it, because even Ion himself have admitted that they are designing encounter with DBM in mind.

So even tho we don’t need it for everything, the game is designed in a way which sooner, or later, will require it to be used. On top of it, there is also the case of community which doesn’t want to raid with ppl who don’t use DMB, so that a different type of issue.

UH OH borrowed power alert!

yes I like my spec to be relevant for 1 year then collapses on itself next expansion, very fun gameplay thank you blizz

I have not played the Shadowlands season with these “Domination Shards”.
Can someone explain to me why this dataleak is bad?

Like, so far this only looks like a couple different gems with fun effects to me. Can’t see whats wrong with this. Honestly looks very fun to me

Please don’t.

I really don’t want a repeat of the corruptions and gems RNG fiasco.

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Maybe I just can’t put myself into the position of what you guys consider “Casual player”, but I actually really like the talent trees.

I also don’t think that its generally bad that there is a big DPS gap depending on player skill. Thats a good thing imo.
I mean, what is “Casual” to you? I think people that are overwhelmed by the game and can’t do DPS because they lack the skill or something, will still be able to clear Raid Finder bosses. With some good gear they should also be able to do normal when they put enough work in.

“Casuals” that explode because their buttons are too much for them are not really supposed to do any harder content (Heroic, Mythic or higher M+ keys) and are probably not even interested in this anyways.

So minimum its absolutely demanded in all end game content.

Lol wut?. Its apart of every end game the game has, thats pretty much maximum

It isn’t bad, as long as the gear piece and the gems themselves drop from a wide range of content. Domination shards were basically a ‘force people to raid’ idea, hence it went down badly with people who didn’t want to raid.

I don’t see a big issue in this thing. As i can see they are doing a lot of stuff prolly to test water how we are feeling about no need to go mental on something that is just atm on the Test realm!

Artifact weapons were on the PTR/beta. Artifact weapons went live. Legiondaries were on the PTR/beta. Legiondaries went live. Azerite armor were on the PTR/beta. Azerite armor went live. Essences were on PTR. Essences went live. Corruption were on the PTR. Corruption went live. Covenants were on PTR/beta. Covenants went live. Domination shards were on the PTR. Domination shards went live.

If people didn’t “go mental” about thundering on the beta it would have been far worse than what we have to deal with now.

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Looks good to me. New Talent and gear system certainly has its strengths but it’s a bit boring compared to previous expacks “borrowed powers”.