Really? More borrowed power now?

How is this related to the SL shards? If this ring and sockets are craftable it’s way easier to get. So if it’s deterministic I’m fine with borrowed power.

because waiting for td4 drop in bfa so you can do 3x more dps as a prot warr was so much fun?

because they realised game just dont work without any for of endgame progress power farm . S1 is best proof of it.

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Players complained a lot about tier gear not dropping earlier this Season, should we also remove that?

Yeah I am going to have to agree with most of the concerns in this thread, Twitter, and Wowhead. While I understand that Blizzard want to augment players’ base experiences with something that can boost the power of their characters, this goes too far into Shadowlands, BFA, and Legion territory. It won’t feel good to eventually have to give these up.

Some people have argued that Tier sets are borrowed power, to which I’d offer this counterargument: it isn’t borrowed if replaced almost every patch.

On a technical level, this also degrades the performance of the game. There’s a reason why Epic battlegrounds lagged so much during the Legion-SL era. So many auras for the game to “think” through causes a processing nightmare for the servers.

I hope to see them reconsider this feature.

they wont. they clearly have numbers showing people have nothign to do in endgame .

its ok that m+ pushers and raiders are happy aboot logging on playing and logging out but without proper endgame power progression system game is just not working.

proffesions turned out to be complete failure due to being overly complicated and limited to the point majjority of players openly ignore them so they have to implement something that will work and give people reason to play endgame .


I don’t disagree with you that players who don’t engage in high-end PVE/PVP content have nothing to do in the game right now, but when I considered this possibility months ago, I really hoped professions would offer them something. Regardless of the “casual vs hardcore” debate that pops up on the forums now and then, the game’s health depends on all players to remain engaged.

I am disappointed the profession system didn’t live up to its promise. I still believe it is a step in the right direction, but it needs a ton of tweaks. The Lariat being BIS for everyone, for example, is proof the system isn’t working.

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Really wished Blizzard would just copy ESO crafting system more.

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Huh??? Could you link your source for this please? Because this is something that happened exclusively in your head, and not on planet Earth.

You literally don’t even know what the power level of these is yet. For all we know it’s catch-up gear intended for alts, because its power isn’t enough to compete with end-game gear. People are being doomsayers without having even seen what this is or how powerful it is. What if the absorb from the first gem is 5k dmg over 20 seconds? Will you really feel bad about giving that up? No, you won’t.

remember before DF q and a with crafting developers

uuuuuuu we are sooo exciteeeed to give u super new crafting

yeah right, turned out to be complete excrement.

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We dont need gems!!! So why do you add more gems? Give us something instead of gems? … … … … … …

I enjoy not having to log on everyday to grind something monotmous, please do not add this as I will just give up and let my year sub lapse.

maybe you do - but majority of people hate idea that they have nothing to do but raid and m+ when they log in


Find something else to do instead of no lifing a game… jesus.

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It seems an odd choice in the face of all the criticism regarding domination sockets back during Shadowlands.

Just from a PvE perspective I needed to keep swapping the gems around (once I’d actually gathered the necessary) for M+ and Raids. The more content people do and the more specs people play the higher that requirement is to swap around.

There is also a concern that this will become very anti alt friendly.

Okay… Legion was really only bad if you just cared for min maxing legendairies and AP…

But it was still a great expansion.

If this is something like the anima powers in Cobalt but within Forbidden Reach, I might be okay with it.

Any other format of such system even only exist within one season is an indication things are going backwards and it will just do more harm to an already bugged and unpolished expansion.

It’s a catchup system for the end of tier there’s nothing wrong with it

blizzard dont care about criticism . only thing that matters is engagement metrics and number of subs and daily / monthly actions .

and those are in the gutter in DF because majority of players dont push m+ or raids and hve nothing to do in edngame.

they are now in full panic/control mode - thus the sudden push of trade center and now those gems. because of how many people stopped playing.

lets be honest - ifyou got KSM and finished normal or hc raid (whatever your goal was) you are done till next season and likely unsubbed by now.

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