Really? More borrowed power now?

Love that its a ring. So ye another spark wasted. Im realy lucky with this. First ive crafted two chrono items to set…just to find out theyre useless- first two sparks wasted…then ive crafted pvp item - 3. wasted…now ive got lucky and got one extra - crafted lariat and two rings…now these stupid gems will need you to replace one ring - another spark trashed…like…cmon bruh.

Oh look, a additional clutter in combat log! We have not enough of those +1% dmg for 5 seconds buffs.

I think legion had the best version of AP, it was largely and easily done by whatever activity you did, as it wasnt restricted just wverything awarded jt.

Legion was a great expansion, if they didnt decide to gut every class in the game imho alot of the contraversery around it wouldnt of ever happened.

The prune and the fact AP was specc specific was its largest falling.


Well yes, there was alot in place in regards to speeding it up. Didnt also each week make AP go faster if behind the curve?

However the idea wasnt bad, it was a first iteration. And suddenly blizzard absolutely went to hell with it by amping requirements by 1500x and started restricting places to earn it.

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Do you understand what you’re reading there?

Yes or no.

I do.

But ur forgetting the sheer mass AP items awarded. Ud use a single item and award 40million.

Problem was numbers rly did get insane :joy::joy:

Atleast i think i do?

This is referencing the quantity of AP required in each patch yes?

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You really don’t.

Its not the quantity of AP needed in each patch?

With arcane knowledge % increase

And then Maw of Souls 6-9 m+?

It’s the amount of maw of souls runs you had to do to cap your artifact weapon.

261 in 7.1.5.

1009 in 7.2.


Yes. Im aware of the MoS farming that went on

Nobody said the iteration was perfect. I just stated it was better then BFAs and SLs.

Problem gets worse when u account for each specc had to redo the entire AP grind.

You said it was easy.

261 runs isn’t easy.

1009 runs most definitely isn’t easy.

It also discludes several factors.

  • the fact u could zoom the weapon to 54 vis certain quests.

  • every other source of AP.

This is if u were to farm MoS strictly without any of the short cuts im pretty certain were there.

And MoS was very easy and fast to do, it wasnt hard. It just took time. But time doesnt equate difficulty.


All slower than maw of souls.

Eh. I always found it fast enough overall, i didnt rly have a issue at all, the only time it got slow was when u started stacking into the passive % increase per point at the end of the blade.

People have different opinons here.

Someone who plays 5-6 hours a day will generally find time investments easier then someone with only 1-2 hours a day.

Also guilded players vs PuGs. Its obviously alot faster if a guilds premaking groyps to farm content.

I found it easier then BFAs or SLs treadmills to deal with.

Bruh, you were doing it when the expansion was basically over and BFAs launch was on the horizon.

If they brought borrowed power back, I just want it to not be tied to professions, so we don’t have to buy tokens again like with Shadowlands Legendaries. That would be terrible, and it would make me not wanna play. I also don’t want it to be locked behind a weekly hamster wheel grind. The way I’d like to see it implemented is, that the gems should just randomly drop from doing various activities (e.g. pvp chests/dungeon boss drops/etc) and the ring itself should come from a quest. Another option would be, that we can buy the specific gems we want from a vendor with valor/conquest, and a specific raid currency yet to be released.

because it seems blizz can never just stick to their word?

about borrowed power,
i only got this rogue in shadowlands decent geared, cause all the borrowed crap took too much time, god forbid i switch spec i will have no conduits for it LOL
its so sad cause i actually wanted to like shadowlands :frowning:

now i have 3 strong alts i mix-match my talent tree like i want. i allso try tanking
nothing is holding me back cause 4p set would come soon or later with catalyst
pvp ? can gear up in no time pve ? can send them materials and craft items

blizzard think gating me with crap like covenant, recrafting legendary to new bis slot, contuid powers random acguisiton and domination shards will keep me playing ?

hell no !
i play more now, cause i can focus on other characters while not feeling like they are on wheelchair

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Those numbers are for week one of the season. Every week you cutoff 30% stacking exponentially.

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