Really? More borrowed power now?

??? :rofl:
Whether it’s demanded it doesn’t change the fact that WoW crafting provides barely a minimum experience, and functionality when it comes to crafting system in a fantasy RPG.

Properly implemented and utilized crafting system is a core building block for immersive play trough/leveling experience. If done properly, it can on its own provide hundreds of hours of immersive RPG experience, and provide avenues for interesting immersive experiences.

What WoW crafting offers is just basic functionality of being able to print an item.
Even more laughable is the fact that Blizzard broken quest reward system which showers people with finished gear is literally taking away from crafting its functionality, and making it useless.

You don’t know this because you don’t know what is a good RPG in the first play.
All you know is crapy WoW content, which you ignorantly presume is the peak of gaming design :rofl:

Or amazingly enough.

I think crafting is boring total, ffxiv has a proper set out crafting system, i still think its sh*t

Its not what i play games for full stop.

I believe that this kind of “borrowed power” is ok if they keep it up through the whole expansion and not only one patch and we can exchange the it from the start. Unfortunately borrowed power is their way of balancing classes same as is with tier set. The class can be crap but the You get 4 pieces and bam to tier (destro lock in SL).

Anyone can say that anything can be boring. It doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t prove anything.

Also, no, FF doesn’t have proper crafting. It also has pretty basic crafting, just with a skill system instead of just one button, which ironically was enough to sway many people away from WoW :rofl:

The discussion isn’t about you.

Ofcourse they can.

Just like many say m+ sucks, raid sucks, verticle gearing sucks and more. People play games for different reasons.

And im sorry but ffxiv is about as good as mmorpg crafting gets. People seem to brleive mmorpgs should match a single player game in these ways. And they dont.

If mmorpgs standards did theyd remove the purpose of single player rpgs.

The point isn’t whether people play for different reasons.
The point is that your subjective opinion on crafting being boring, doesn’t prove that crafting is boring.

How would you know if there is no MMORPG which fully utilizes crafting system to build immersion driven gameplay? :rofl:

You do realize that your argument is as stupid as arguing that XYZ taste is the best taste on the planet, when you haven’t even tested everything what is possible to be tasted?

That’s a silly opinion considering that fact that the main complaint about MMOs these days is that their content is too basic, too grindy, and lacking immersion.

It’s also a silly opinion to have, considering the fact that MMORPGs were at their peak when in-game worlds were built to be immersive living worlds, just like many single player RPGs.

So it seems like it is people like you who are in delusion that MMORPGs shouldn’t be like single player RPGs, because all you know is how to grind basic content for instant gratification, and you have no clue about the creativity of a truly immersive fantasy RPG.

Sigh, people only think this, because the icons look similar. I think borrowed power can be a cool thing, if they do it right, and it’s only a small amount of your damage without all the misery grinds.

This better be cancelled, like Twitter users say.

Ofcourse it doesnt? Thats what im stating hence why i specified “I”.

I have no numbers to be able to proclaim a majority in the situation. I find proffessions and tradeskilling boring, primarily because i lack the patience to continously gather in order to create.

I play for the verticle progression, and deal with proffessions to save gold by crafting potions etc etc myself.

Obviously if you talk to someone who plays for proffessions, or has a major interest in such, they different demands to myself and hold different criteas.

Forums are made for complaints, ofcourse they do however, even in WoWs peak, Vanilla - WoTLK, it didnt hold weight in regards to single player games in this catagory.

Hence why when we talk about MMORPGs most will call it a MMO. Because of this factor, single player games by default will deliever a much more RPG experience

This is because the game doesnt need to Balance itself around every choice. Its only gotta be balanced to what u specifically choose.

A single player game can cater to the needs of individuals far more then a MMO.

Every drmand as a player you make, if its met will negatively impact the other, in a single player game such doesnt exist.

If they made proffessions a core part of the game, u have to accept yoyr going to make proffessions a core part of EVERYONES game.

In a mmorpg, gameplay has to come first.
In a RPG gameplay simply does not.

Because it can alter the entire story based on ur personal choices, without changing it for every player engaging with the game. If you cant understand why a single player game will ALWAYS win in this catagory. I cant help you.

People will always complain, mmorpgs are built on the concept of catering the masses, which means it never caters to a specific audience, so everyone has to compromise as every change has to consider gsmeplay first,

and everything must be launched in a non impactful state so it doesnt enforce itself on other plahers

Look at ffxiv, most end game players such as raideds are unhappy with it.

Look at WoW, most story / solo players are unhappy with jt.

Look at gw2, most raiders and top players are unhappy due to the fact their content is rendered meaningless by the fact its optional.

Every mmorpg on the market, as one part of the market angry at its decisions. Because a mmorpg simply csnnot be everything. So theyre basically turned into a mish mash of systems and everything cut down in terms of how impactful it is to the experience to try and balance it against players who wont do them.

We live in. World of choice now, i.e people csn dislike entire genres of gsmes. Many dislike mmorpgs, just as many dislike MoBAs and many dislike FPSes and we all will call each others games out with critism.

Choice creates opinons. And thats great, but it doesnt mean every game needs to backtread based on it.

It’s time to throw that in the bin. I don’t care if Dylan and Kevin are unhappy their ideas didn’t make into the game !


Domination sockets sucked (sanctum was my least played patch) but this seems to be an improved version imo

I’d very much appreciate if it would only drop from raid or PvP.

The incentive to raid is very weak due to M+. I like M+ as complementary content to raids, but not as a standalone endgame. So getting these from the Raid would be great in my opinion.

PvP people should have a way to get those through playing PvP though.

Yes, it doesn’t, that’s the point, so you need to come up with either a valid counterargument, or quit arguing.

No one is arguing about the purpose of the forum.
You seem to be completely lost in this discussion.

Seriously, what are you even talking about? XD
MMORPG, or cRPG, ergo genre, doesn’t dictate the level of RPG experience.
It’s the quality of the design which does it, thus MMORPG can deliver the same level of experience as SP RPG.

What does it even mean?! XD

No, sorry, you literally don’t know what you are talking about.

Every game is designed for specific large group/s of possible customers, and their expectations.
No one is making any games to cater to the needs of individuals.

That’s literally a false statement.

It doesn’t mean that every player have to be a crafter.
It only means that players will require input from crafting to do w/e they are doing, so e.g. buy stuff from crafters instead of making it on their own.

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard :smiley:

Gameplay is a fundamental feature of ANY game, trough which we experience the game. Gameplay is always first, regardless if it’s cRPG, or MMORPG.

No, sorry, it’s you who is completely confused and ignorant about the subject.
Single-player RPGs, and MMORPGs, are not inherently different in the type of gameplay, and experience they provide.
What makes them fill different is the fact, that it’s easier to make SP RPG, than MMORPG. The reason why so many MMORPGs feel worse than SP RPGs is because MMO designers are choosing to produce cheaper gameplay, to produce game faster, and make money faster.

In the end of the day, you can have MMORPGs which are as good, or even better than SP RPG, because it’s all about effort put into the game.

I’m around FF14 community all the time, and you are literally talking some delusional nonsense.

Because it’s written and presented in a garbage way. That’s why people designed an Immersion add-on, and that’s why people raged over how stupid was writing in SL.

FF14 story telling is brilliant compared to WoW.

No they don’t XD
GW2 is designed on horizontal progression, so everything is pretty much optional, and people who choose to play GW2 are playing it BECAUSE it’s made this way.
The ones who are complaining are not the hardcore GW2 players, but the e.g. WoW rejects, who can’t handle there be “no ladder to climb”.

At which point of this discussion did anyone claim that MMORPG can or should be “everything”?

You are literally lost in your own disorganized mind, and ignorant opinions.

Prime example of a player that doesn’t play any endgame other than world quests and never experienced the horrendous tuning and acquisition that was Domination Shards. Sigh indeed.

I wonder when Blizzard realized we want NATURAL PROGRESSION and not ‘oh, this just in, new patch, all your previous stuff is useless now, gl hf broski’s’.

Seriously, who comes up with this crap?

Who said I don’t play end-game? Right now I’m just very busy with 5 huge exams

There is no counter argument. You cant argue with or against a opinon. Lol, i aint arguing with you.

All i said was.

I think WoWs proffessions are good enough with a good reason to do, and i dont rly play the game for proffessions as theyre not gameplay i look for.

But ur still igboring SP RPGs can cater to individuals while mmorpgs dont.

It means, if WoW was a SP RNG they could make proffession gear overpowered, without angering a raider.

They can put a series of different play throughs in to reach irs audience on a more 1 to 1 bases, instead of broad changes.

No rhe overall game is, however several SP RNGs do change things based on the decisions made in game.

Such as Oblivions ability to become a vampire, a werewolf, joining different guilds. Levelling specific types of magic etc etc These are all things u Dont have to do, but can do

Actually. If being. A crafter relates to any advantage. Yes u do lol do u forget in MOP proffessions were mandatory due to passive buffs?

Dont think ur getting what im meaning.

Think u need to start looking up some of the drama, espically the one where Xeno snapped a new streamers head off for beinf positive in his stream.

Its playerbase are veey fast to act as if everythings perfect sure, however look up work to game, look up xeno. FfXiv has defintly shafted raiders before for the casual player. That dont make ffxiv a bad game, hut ffxiv does tend to build for the casual player.

Im aware, my explaination was it design is liked by some and hated by others. It doubles down on different parts of the game and reasons why to play.

No single person demands a mmorpg to everything its audience does.

People demanding better proffessions.
Others demanding better open world progression.
People demanding focus on pvp.
Orhers demanding focus on pve.
People demanding better levelling processes.
Others demanding deeper lore based questing.
People want better Open world PvP.
More open world content.

There is atleast 20 arguments for all these things thats happened in the last year. If blizzard was to fix everyones problemz we would be heading for a “game that does everything”

Seeinf the advantages of playing a single player game, isnt being ignorant, the fact yoy dont see it is far closer to that.

SP RPGs can have 12 different endings, based on your choices as a player, world damage / changes csn be permanant because theres no second play through in a day.

The concept hasnt got to be balanced, bexause no other players to get irritated.

WoW cant change its story based on decisions u make. So it simply will never be good enough.

WoW cant increase proffessions impacts without affecting others game play. So it will mever be good enough.

People are mad that proffessions can now generate gold, and proclaiming the games p2w because proffession stuffs gotten expensive lol.

A mmorpg will never. Reach rhe story telling, or carry players choice with the same weight as a SP RNG,

The team to run it would be absolutely have to be massive. The cost of development would be way too high and to try and balance this in with other content wouldnt be possible.

What? No. The artifact weapons weren’t the heart of azeroth. Heart of azeroth had the weekly reduction on how much you needed to obtain, the artifact weapons did not.

Last time we talked about this, you told me that they made artifact knowledge automatic in 7.1. Also i clearly remember doing one WQ in S3 and unlocking all traits.

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Artifact knowledge only increased how much AP you got, it never reduced the amount you needed.