Realm Consolidation - Chaos Bolt & Lava Lash

im not crying, im just saying that CS is not that populated right now and blizzard is doing a bad job with the transfer. or would you say they did a good job?


I mean server rank 1 even transferd of and many more guilds on alliance, idk what you are saying. Horde is popular for sure but alliance is not

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Praxis is still on Crusader Strike and they’re Rank 1.

Crusader Strike is more populated than a Classic server in 2019/2020.

Again, trying to get Blizzard to open transfers to Wild Growth for the rest of your guildies that missed the window. Just stop.

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cute is rank 1 sir go on wcl, and ofc i want them to open the window

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I love how every one of you ignores the fact I’m calling you out on your bs.

Anyway, to anyone reading this thread, ignore the unexpected members. Crusader Strike welcomes you with open arms :slight_smile:

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Bro you never proved or stated anything? what bs are you talking, all im saying is that its not very populated and blizzard is not doing a great job with tranfers :smiley:

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Maybe go and gank 1 alliance with a 40 horde raidgroup

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Sigh, I just lost all my honor progress from this week after taking the transfer…
Does this mean I will have to grind the 110k honor once more or can I hope for some “fix”?

thanks alot!!

Cute was rank 1 for one dungeon. Not a single important guild left CS, be it PvP or PvE. Guilds dating back even before ZT days are here and kicking. And pop is bigger than ZT realm in classic, and ZT was awesome server to play on.

If you couldn’t handle WPvP fiesta it doesn’t mean server is dead. I can see you are on PvE realm now, so why do you even care? You can safely grind your PvE content now, no Kor Kron to chase you :slight_smile: Stop being salty and butthurt because you got your a** whipped on CS. You escaped to safety of PvE, enjoy it.


Sorry crying and critiquing blizzard is ofc the same on your mind sir :frowning:

Thanks for saving guilds on Lava Lash, but the quality of communication is not enough.

  1. TILL WHEN will these free transfers from LL be available?
  2. What happens if some people (e.g. on vacation now or otherwise unavailable) won’t transfer, will they be transferred automatically and will LL be closed down, or will they remain indefinitely there?

Please provide actual information, not just scraps of it. You know, we pay for this game. Thanks.


Announcing this and throwing it live like this is a terrible solution. You’ve got people panicking and transfering because we don’t know how long it’s open for and Guild being torn apart for the same reason.
This should have been announched with a week’s notice and a clear overview of how long the window would be open as well as what the plan for the realm afterwards is. Will it be closed with forced transfers off? Just closed?
Shockingly short sighted attempt to ‘fix’ this problem.
SoD is not classic, get some of that server connection tech involved so we don’t lose our names and communities!


We want a real pvp server not rp …

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Transfer everyone wants:

Chaos Bolt > Living Flame
Chaos Bolt > Lone Wolf
Chaos Bolt > Wild Growth (to fix your transfer mistakes and to leave PvP if someone want)
Wild Growth > Living Flame (to fix your transfer mistakes)
Wild Growth > Lone Wolf (to fix your transfer mistakes)
Crusader Strike > Living Flame
Crusader Strike > Lone Wolf
Crusader Strike > Wild Growth
Lava Lash > Living Flame
Lava Lash > Lone Wolf
Lava Lash > Wild Growth

Now you will have a good spread.
People chose PvP Server, there’s 3 PvP Servers. Don’t be afraid of overpopulation for LF and LW, SoD is dying because of your decisions, the rest who didn’t left - will fit fine in 2 realms.
All we need rn is 2 PvP servers, 1 PvE, 1 RP, 1 RP-PvP. You know that.

Also, you can’t have both lock-realm policy and no-transfer policy. You forcing people playing realm they don’t like and after abandon these realm, making bad for these people twice. Either allow paid transfer to locked realms or do not lock it on the start on SoD so people will choose freely.


Crusader is a real pvp. no RP what so ever. people chose it cause of queues

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Nobody wants this. Living flame and Lonewolf are horrible toxic servers.

Ah Gehannas. no wonder u are so toxic.

Next time role on pve and dont create this faction imbalance, ty


Toxic for calling people out on their nonsense, yeah alright pal.