Realm Consolidation - Chaos Bolt & Lava Lash

Still waiting for more data. Periods, future of the server, you cant just throw partial info.

It’s still early in the morning in California, let’s see what they come up with today.

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Your coping is absolutely hilarious, you think they’re going to get into work and say “Skunkey and their guild really want to transfer to Wild Growth, let’s open up transfers”? After allowing Chaos Bolt to come to Crusader Strike? :rofl: :rofl:

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what happens if you dont transfer your char ? will it be deleted then ?

If it only affected me it would be clear to me that Blizzard wouldn’t do anything, but hundreds or even thousands of people feel this way and I’m at least trying to do something about it.


Anyone has the answer about the gold restriction ?

What will happen to Chaos Bolt if I don’t want to transfer then?
You gave as barely any information!


no gold restrictions

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So Chaos bolt is locked for new players for the reason it has too few players and fix is to open free transfer away leaving it with even less players ? So what is the endgame here, is chaos bolt merging eventually with some other realm or what ?

Please give some more information, like how long transfers are available and what happens after that ? Makes no sense with locked server status unless you are going to close the realm soon, what happens then ? So many questions, so little info


Not gonna lie to you SoD team. I think this is the first real big misstep you’ve made so far. This is a bit rubbish for us Chaos Bolt players. We are being moved on from a PvP realm but are are only being given options to move to a pve realm or a rp realm? So being forced to change play style.

Also, the confusion around whether this transfer will only be open for a limited time and limited spaces has caused real confusion in my guild. People have already transferred to different servers based on panic as to whether they will be left behind and trapped in a server that’s being killed. What is going on with the transfers? If they are limited in time and spaces, then that is just ridiculously stupid and bad. You’d be trapping some of us in a server that is being deflated

I think this is causing a real issue for our guild and brings up the possiblity that we have to disband


They’ve actively tuned retail raids for the best 2 guilds in the world for years - Blizzard cares only for sweaties.

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guys for the love of god. it has been said countless times. this is no rp pvp server no one plays rp over there. it says it is one but everyone plays normal ion that server. chaos bolt was a rp pvp server too at the start!

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The only one crying here is you.

Get your filth off the thread so actual human beings can discuss.

Thank you!

Someone is angwy, it’s okay, Wild Growth is waiting for you
 at Level 1 :rofl: :nerd_face:

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I’m thinking of Living Flame, when the transfers open.


Sorry, who asked?

None asked Bobby, so you can go back to your momma’s welfare basement now.


And you can reroll from Level 1 because you aren’t getting a transfer! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Its hilarious how upset they are


Please let me join my guild and open transfers again from Crusader Strike to Wild Growth. Thank you Blizzard