Realm Consolidation - Chaos Bolt & Lava Lash

Wild Growth or Crusader Strike?

There might be a third option for Chaos Bolt players…



It’s complicated to understand that Chaos Bolt players want to go towards Living Flame or Lone Wolf??? We were trapped in Choas Bolt when the game launched and now we have to go to a PVE server? Are you going to stop making fun of us seriously?


First of all I want to say that CS is a suboptimal solution for cb-players. It’s like getting cured of lepra and getting pestilence instead. But hey, we are thankful for even just some old crumbs of bread.

Now the actual question: Will it be possible to xfer my horde chars to CS? Atm the creation of horde toons isn’t allowed at CS :-/


This doesn’t affect free transfers. So you should be able to transfer.

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Open Transfers for EU Alliance Crusader Strike and Lone Wolf!


blizzard could you please just make your decision, either if its closing or if there will be another chance. over 144 hours since last post for a ally chance on LF at 04:50 AM… last thursday. even if you decide to close it, then maybe give a chance for the leftovers to buy a transfer. you could open this feature for a 5 days for the last to actually getting over to their guilds/friends and all will be happy, i know its my own mistake for missing the 50 min gap there was but would be almost a win win for all cause you will make a little extra fast coins i know its not millions but still. and the leftovers could join their guilds/friends a win win


Some communication would be beneficial for all parties involved here @blizzdevs

Hey im a new player here and i made a character 3 days ago, didnt know the serve was so dead. Can you still transfer for free? and if yes, how do i do it? The character transfer in the shop is not free for me.

Chaos Bolt to Living Flame or Lone Wolf pls!


Why cant we transfer from Chaos BOlt to Living Flame?


Crusader Strike to Wild Groth please!

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Really loving the 6 layers on Crusader Strike tonight! Feels great to be playing on a server so alive! :smiley:

Took you 5 days to find an evening with more than 2 layers. Good Job - its like people people had something to do today!? Ah yea raidlogging. Back to 1-2 layers tomorrow.

edit: -1k btw, cant wait for next week :slight_smile:

Great, now that you are happy let me leave please :smiley:

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I just checked there are just 3 Layers right now

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I’m currently stuck with this realm consolidation. Indeed, my main characters are on Chaos Bold EU. However, my guild mates have all migrated to Wild Growth EU. This morning, when I want to transfer my characters from Chaos Bold EU to Wild Growth EU, I get an error message which indicates that this destination kingdom can no longer receive character transfers. How do I join my guild mates???

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If you check the Bluetracker from the US Forum:

They haven’t posted a single answer there either.

The last post was from 27th April:
“Hey everyone, there will not be any additional transfers opening up this weekend. We’re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Monday.”

Now it’s Friday and still no answer or decisions like or whether the transfers will continue or not.

I don’t know what this is all about and I’m really depressed and sad about how we’re being treated here.

My guild on Crusader Strike EU is dead by now and no one has the motivation to continue because everything seems so hope- and pointless.

I don’t understand why Blizzard doesn’t communicate with us, it doesn’t have to be an essay, but a few words would be nice about where the journey is going.

For example, a small post on this Monday said: “We’ll wait another whole week before we make any further decisions.”

This way everyone can adjust to it and know that they are not pointlessly trying every hour to see if the transfer is currently open or not.

I ask for more transparency!



And you were telling me to touch grass? You angry little man, LOL! No wonder you play a gnome :smiley:

Enjoy Wild Growth, sounds like the perfect place for someone with anger issues such as yourself :rofl:

whoooosh - aaand back to 1 layer

btw THAT is angry for you? im sorry my little sunflower :slight_smile:

And what are the players stuck on dead servers supposed to do? Currently stuck on Chaos Bolt and cant use my paid transfer to any other server. Jesus christ…