Realm Consolidation - Chaos Bolt & Lava Lash

You should be able to open up the shop and select “free character transfer” to move to the two realms:

It is not possible to use any paid transfer on the Seasonal realms.

There is no free character transfer option on Chaos Bolt.

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I just took a look at Chaos Bolt and see that I can free transfer to Crusader Strike and Wild Growth fine.


Make sure to:

  1. At the character realm list, select the Shop icon bottom left.
  2. Then select “Free Character Transfer” this is the first button on your left.
  3. Fill out all details or tick the options. (See image)
  4. Click on Continue. Your character will now be prepared to transfer and is irreversible. Since the realm is closing anyway this is not really of any consequence.

Another player here said he couldn’t transfer too, when it was opened for other realms and we came to the conclusion he was attempting to use his paid transfer token which you can’t use on the Seasonal realms.


I was looking at shop ingame, thanks! :slight_smile:

I was really sad that there’re only these transfer options. Why can’t we transfer to a regular PvP server? Is it worth waiting a bit longer?
Now I can transfer to a PvE server (ewww) or a PvP server which is not only RP! but has only slightly bigger population than Chaos Bolt had. Are you serious???
So! Is there any hope that transfers to regular PvP realm will open up?

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The goal is to merge these realms together to form a more cohesive realm after one was more or less left dead after previous FCM’s were opened. Not to spread them out even further or they could just do that and enable broad and free-choice FCM’s.

You could, but generally once destinations are set for closing realms they tend not to change their mind on this. The realms will be closed down and merged.

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I picked Lava Lash, because I like to RP.

Why should I move to a PVP realm, are you crazy? And no, I don´t want to play on the streamer realm either, the toxicity is too big for me. :japanese_goblin:

It also makes me wonder how you want to get more people to play on LL, if you disable char creation for them.

Sorry to say, but the decisions by the SOD team are a nightmare and it shows that you either lack the knowledge about what made classic so nice, or that you just don´t care.

Classic without RP, is like Turtles without Splinter.

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When exactly is Chaos Bolt closing?
My brother transferred yesterday and lost all of the honor he farmed this week.
I have farmed 110k honor and want to make sure I can transfer my character after the update on Wednesday (May 8th).


Where is the Merge for the EU Hardcore realms?=)

im still on chaos bolt but im still looking to do the raid. Which server is better to transfer to? Wild growth or crusader strike


I still haven’t transferred…
Because nothing matches what i want.
I started in a PvP server for the obvious reason that i like PvP.
Why my choices are RP- PvP and PvE…?
( I wonder like everyone else ).
Anyway…i haven’t decided yet…since i don’t want any of these options.

First the incursions as “new content” ( which is similar to the retail invasions etc. but worse and more disruptive to the other content…very…new). And after…this with the servers Which in fact the one brought the other, incursions and bad gameplay made people leave, small server became smaller…logical.

Tell me what to support and why even play at this point.

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Crusader Striker is currently more dead that Chaos Bolt ever was. Are we getting another transfer to Living Flame/Lone Wolf finally?

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I couldnt find any raid for 2 ids on crusader strike :frowning:


Please merge low-pop servers or enable transfers, this is getting unplayable and will keep declining