Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

server is down ? i cant join in game

-Roll in PvP server
-Cry for transfer to PvE server
Why didn’t you join PvE server in the first place


No one thought the developers would not cared about pvp balance at all and implement bad design world pvp close to the most popular hubs in the game.
And other hundreds of bad decisions by devs.

But probably im against this pvp to pve tranfser, because it will kill pvp server for alliance and horde will grief other faction at every place then can. Right now there is some kind of balance and fun inside BRM, otherwise it will be just non stop griefing of alliance players.

PS You forgot your clown nose, take it.

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So people having opposite faction characters at destination Living Flame have to delete their chars? What a nice design blizzard. Why not a completely new realm?

And where is my transfer from PVE —> PVP?


thinking that wpvp is actual pvp is pretty stupid take.

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PvP Mega Server will be omega Horde dominant to a point every, where every sane Alliance Player will quit the game in the next 4-8 weeks at latest AQ, when you have 6 layers full of Horde raids killing 1-2 raids of the Alliance while the rest is afk in SW/IF or at work. Good job Blizz for making 3/4th of the Alliance quit by not allowing to go on a PvE Server.

So allow PVP-PVE Transfers, Please.


because it is, im not expecting retail and pve andies to understand

What a :poop:take, are you just gonna cry everytime about someone killing you in the world and report them for griefing everytime? Seriously some people shouldn’t be typing at all.
Do PvE players literally just expect to be left alone when they play on a PvP server or what is this nonsense? If you make the decision to roll PvP, then at least keep your dignity and own up to your mistake on rolling on a PvP server.
Anything is fair game until it’s terrain exploiting (eg rooftops) or something that is actually against ToS.

Or howabout fixing the faction imbalances so alliance has a legit chance?

Mate i have been life time in pvp servers. Your so called griefing isnt pvp. Gz to you if u can kill healers who picking up herbs and cant fight back to you. atleast it stroeks your ego that you can beat somebody.


dont play healer in open world, thats silly.

if you wanted to cap you just shouldve said so, you speak like a PvE andy crying about the next player killing you. wpvp is wpvp, it aint griefing. griefing is something entirely different but like i said, i dont expect a PvE nor retail player to get that.

Unfortunately, blizzard will never get that right, if at all.

You see every day that if you want to do a 1vs1 in the open world, this is unfortunately no longer respected and / or someone intervenes and saves him from death or helps him, or you think the person is alone and if it looks good for you, someone appears out of nowhere and you are dead.

Let’s not even start with the unbalanced PvP, it’s a never ending story and the developers will never get it right.

They should just unlock it, and the people who want to go to a PvE server can do so, and the others just go to the “new” PvP Mega server

You know
 its funny how everyone are happy when their own faction is 60%+
Ppl who want faction balance really only want their own faction to be larger


Dude, if you’re short on vocabulary, you tell me, i know a couple good online english schools.


Hey blizz, please allow PVP to PVE transfers, ppl have alts on pvp and dont want to play on them anymore cuz worldpvp just dont work with this events and its just broken in SoD, let us move our alts to a PVE server and enjoy the game
 ppl who wants PVP will still play that ! there is no need to gatekeep this, please allow the fun
 just once

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that seems to be on you for telling lies tbh.

So you locked character creation on Wild Growth even though it is the only PVE server in EU? Great.
I just talked my friend into resubbing to play with me, and now he can’t create a character until Thursday? Plus, I deleted a saved name so I could create a new char to play with him, and now I can’t create it again? God damn blizz.


I think it is that people have the chance to sub and log in and keep their char names before every one starts resetting and blocking names with lvl 1 chars

It is, but its badly thought out. It works if there’s multiple PvE realms, so you can create a character on an alternative realm, but there’s no other option right now. Lava Lash is Locked, and Wild Growth won’t let you make a character. Its literally impossible to start playing on a PvE realm right now.


Will we be able to transfer lvl 1 bank characters?

Yes. They posted on US forum that there will be no faction/level/gold restriction.

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