Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Please lift the restrictions on making new characters.
Like another commenter in this thread I also just happened to delete a level 4 rogue (my only rogue on Wild Growth) to remake it. I had no idea about the realm transfer/character creation restriction otherwise I would have just kept the character I already had. No message appeared warning me of what would happen, so I had a sore surprise.
Because of this I have been left both losing my claim on a name I always use and I am unable to play the class I want for a week.


Just cancelled my account . i missed the transfer and all my friends left my server. unfortunatley for me i was on holiday and was not looking at wow forums , if anything changes let me know or have i not understood the time line for transfers?

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They haven’t happened yet.

stop whining about names please like jesus christ just pick a different name its not a big deal.

For todays 16 - 20year olds everything is a big deal, comon you know this :sweat_smile:

Yea what is going on here? I recently played a bit on a PvP server, got fed up with it, decided to start fresh with a friend on the only PvE one and it’s locked to prevent reserving names…

… but migrations are not allowed to WG anyway, cause it’s only PvE realm, so what teh f… Blizzard??

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Hello, why is Wild Growth locked and no other PvE server open to create characters? I wanted to get a friend into SoD but they can’t play with me because there are no PvE servers for new players at the moment.

Why has this not been addressed? Why are you charging people for a subscription and then blocking them from being able to play?

This is so idiotic.


Its all for the greater good, even tho some ppl get shafted in the prosess

Gona be a mass fcm opening 18th sept

Who gains from the one PvE server being locked? Who is able to transfer to Wild Growth?

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Pretty much all pve servers to wild growth.

What other pve servers? wild growth is the only pve server in season of discovery?

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No, it is not the only pve server

Explain please?

Are u from Lava Lash? is anybody still alive there?

A fresh player cant see locked down servers for char creation. Im not sure if blizz will open fresh char creation when they start free character migration the 18th september tho

No, im on wild growth

If you are talking about Realm Consolidation - Chaos Bolt & Lava Lash - WoW Classic / Season of Discovery - World of Warcraft Forums (

This transfer should still be available, no? without locking character creation on wild growth?

Why is it locked now and wasn’t locked 5 months ago?

I would love to hear someone make sense of this.

Is this just to open up names from people that quit? Is this so a GM or streamer on wild growth can take a name they like that was taken?

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It is locked so ppl dont reserve names

How does it matter if somone “reserves” a name by creating a character now or two weeks ago or on friday? Why is it now locked but not for the last 5 months, if the transfers from CB and LL are still ongoing?

It would’ve made more sense to have WG locked for the last 5 months than this week by your logic.

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I dont think any fcm are open atm.
Its not my logic :blush:

Only tried to tell you why char creation is locked