Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

I would love to see some clarity from blizzard about the amount of people that tried to create a character with a name that an active player on LL and CB uses as well.

They could also have made it so if you take a name from someone that transfers, you have to change it on friday, and this situation could’ve been avoided easily.

They could’ve also mentioned that for people on LL and CB this would be a “new chance” at transferring if it is currently not possible to FCM. I’ve not seen anywhere that says that it is not available now.

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This is just wrong.

I dont have any characters on SoD and I can see Lava Lash just fine. I just can’t select it.

There is exactly 2 PvE realms for EU SoD - Lava Lash, which is dead, and Wild Growth, which you can get all the way through character creation, and then get told “Nope”.

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Good morning.

I want to create an alter and level it on Living Flame but don’t want to wait until Friday at 6pm. Can I start leveling it on another server now and then migrate it for free to Living Flame on Wednesday at 6pm? Any problems with this approach?

Thanks in advance.

I don’t know for sure, but my understanding is that the issue being discussed here only concerns Wild Growth (PVE). Since Living Flame is PvP you should be able to create a character on another PvP server (e.g. Lone Wolf) and then migrate in a couple of days.

Just make sure to read the requirements for migrating a char (like a min lvl requirement etc)

Poetic. I love it! :smiley:

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Is this transfer included for RPPVP to PVP?

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Oh lol, bratan, just forget about RU region and play on EU. If there even was a RU region for SoD?

Welcome to vanilla WoW. This is called PvP. Using term ‘griefing’ instantly indicates your opinion as not worth any consideration. If you don’t like it then just go no pinky-fluffy hordalliance retard-friendly retail wow.

Lets be clear here, this is not vanilla, its not even classic, its an abomination called Season of Discovery

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I have to wait till Friday to create a new PVE character?

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Still it makes me feel warm and cozy seeing as those PvE-pussies who dared to create char on PvP realm now cry about ppl ganking them. :slight_smile:

PvP->PvE transfer wouldn’t have been possible anyway, with or without merge. So what’s the problem now?

They could have rerolled phases ago, couldn’t they?

I’ve really just tested the waters of both pvp realm, so can’t really say for sure, but, I do enjoy reading the drama on both server discords

Lone Wolf seems to be a relaxed pvp-server where wpvp happens and not really much drama.

Living Flame on the other hand, has more streamers and generally more toxic. Swedes that like to shout the gamer word.

I have a feeling there are a few that would rather keep it as-is on Lone Wolf or move to anything other than Living Flame.

there is a problem with living flame, you can create characters … and people are stealing names right now


Nope those transfer windows back then were sporadic and in short windows. So a lot of people missed them.

So it begins…

Character creation is now active again.

There’s some issue with transfers from Lone Wolf atm, new character creation on Living Flame is limited to alliance only, does this mean horde cannot transfer till faction balance is done?

I can create on horde but I am horde there.

WHY is it possible to create characters on Living Flame?

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