Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Must be hard being a start-up company trying to repeat tasks they’ve done in the past…

I have Horde chars on LW and Ally chars on LF. And I can’t transfer from LW (Transfer realm Realm Name is empty)


it hasnt opened yet

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This is the way

Oops, 6pm not am :slight_smile: Sorry!

And yet the character creation is open as of this morning (while the actual transfer is not) and names are being claimed en masse ahead of time. Planning on rollbacks for those characters? Any statement?

This is my theory;

Some real rich guy offered Blizzard money to lock character creation and open up names from people that have not logged on since end of phase 3. So that person could transfer to the new realm with an epic name, but blizzard didn’t get paid so they opened up character creation to screw with that person.

No person working for such a big company could be so bad at their job that they open up character creation instead of FCM by accident. They would only do so for a reason, and blizzard has only one reason for doing anything and that’s money.

So seeing as people are making characters over in Living Flame and already taking names, what are you going to do about it? What about the people now who have had their names taken by newly created characters after the screw up on Blizzard’s end opening the character creation when it was meant to be closed?

I knew my name was likely already taken, but if it was taken because of this then its just BS. Will be hard to get used to another name seeing as I’ve had this one since day 1 of SoD :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

“We screwed up, so what?”

You are still going to pay for the sub.

Some random guys will go cry because some other random guy took his nickname on a seasonal server wich will be closed in 4-6 months?

Holy moly!

I main two toons, an Alliance and an Horde, on (obviously) different pvp servers.
Now that both of those servers become dead - how can I migrate these toons?

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Probably the worst decision you’ve made in SoD.

I’m actually kind of stunned at how badly your team is managing this, I’ve tried to be measured in my complaints here but this is horrendously bad.

You’re going to kill Lone Wolf, that has a healthy pop and make us play on some dumb mega-giga-server where everything lags, or is layered to all hell. And no one can find any resources.

Can you honestly take 5 minutes to think about what the hell you are putting out in this clearly open beta for once.

This might honestly be the end of our guild / server and you’ve just wasted everyone’s time to this point.


Really sad to see no PvE → PvP transfer, especially with the atrocious PvP balancing in SoD.

Guess I just have to start over on a PvE realm then or just stop playing SoD all together…

Blizzard always sure know how to never implement things that the players want. :frowning:

how do i use the name reclamation feature? do i will it into existence? whats the process

I sign this.

How long is the time gate?
How long is the internal transfere-cd?
how many alts can i transfer in that time?

Any updates on when FCT is back???

@blizz make some actual PvP changes, it’s gonna be a any% speedrun for servers to die due to whack PvP changes

This is now, no? Not able select a realm for FCM.

6pm GMT is 8pm Server Time I believe (so in 2hrs time).

Silly me, thanks <3